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"papa?" i asked again. what the hell?

"come on sit," cassandra said with a smile. fake ass. regardless i sat down across from papa.

"so, what's so important?" i asked.

"let me talk first, then you can ask questions. okay?" papa spoke. cass and i nodded in agreement.

"i have been told that the new people in the old lab have a spy going around. not an adult but someone your age," he pointed to me. "you need to be careful who you are making friends with and limit your power usage outside." i frowned. my powers are fun. "apparently it's a girl, taller than you, with brown hair, and black eyes."

"black eyes!" i yelled. he gave me a look. i knew that look. i shut my mouth and slouched down in my chair.

"keep a look out! you can't trust everyone. questions?"

"black eyes?" i yelled again.

"yes, black eyes. to hide her identity. she was stolen. anymore?"

"yeah. um, i made a friend. is that okay," i rushed out not ready to hear the answer.

"no! no attachment ten." he scolded.

"i promise i won't-"

"no. don't ask again." he gave me a firm look. that meant shut up so i did.

"so any progress?"

"yeah. i mean yes, i'm okay with dustin, lucas, eleven, and i guess will-"

"great job!" he cut me off.

"but mike doesn't like me. and max hates me."


"maxine? mayfield?" i said. he nodded understandingly. "mike and el. she goes by jane by the way. anyways, he has to approve everything she does. also! her vocabulary is like, maybe better than mine. which is saying something." i laughed, "other than that nothing else."

"any chances to get information off them?" he questioned.

i thought for a second.

on the bike with mike.

with eleven.

"shit!" i cursed, "i touched mike and eleven. and forgot. sorry papa." i looked down, disappointed in myself.

"it's okay. you still have thirty days." his face showed frustration but his words said something else. he's like that. everyone thinks he's mean. only when he has to be.

"i've got to go." he looked at cassandra and pointed to her head, "talk to me in week for progress." he started for the door.

"papa wait!" he stopped but left the door open. "i want a hug!"

he bent his tall self down at hugged me. before letting go he whispered into my ear, "don't. mess. this. up. you'll regret it ten. don't disappoint everyone. or you'll be just like terry ives. do you want that?" he let go. i shook my head in shock. "good" he said and closed the door.

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