1. Equations

48.6K 1.7K 2.6K

CHAPTER -e^(i π)



Sometimes I wish people were as easy to get as numbers were.



7-9= -2

Those I got. Those I understood. Those were easy to figure out. All you needed was a calculator (not for these ones, obviously), time and a little bit of comprehension skills.

But people? Oh, boy. People were different. I'd try to solve people a number of times, with varying degrees of success.


Answer the following questions involving: Todd Fields, Price Bigg's eighth grade crush. Bold your answer.

1. Todd Fields' middle name was: (2 pts)

a) Abram

b) Carlos

c) Destiny

d) Eric


Correct! (2 pts)

2. Todd Fields' smile was: (2 pts)

a) The Light of Price Bigg's world

b) The cure for at least 3 types of cancer

c) The Single Greatest Thing Ever. So Great That Every Word Of This Choice Has To Be Capitalized for Emphasis.

d) All of The Above


Correct! (2pts)

3. Todd Fields says to Price Bigg "I like your new braces, Price". This is followed by what statement: (96pts)

a) You wanna go get a smoothie and talk about which circle theorem is your favorite?

b) I was thinking of getting a pair, because they look so good on you

c) I have loved you since forever and would like to read a few books with you and quote lovey dovey phrases while staring up into the stars.

d) All Of The Above

Ans: None. This was a trick question. He actually laughed and pointed with several other people while shouting "Nerd! Nerd! Nerd!"

Score 4/100 - F

If people were as easy to understand as numbers were, maybe I'd be a bit more inclined to go to teenage parties and jumping of roof tops into tubs filled with pudding and drinking cocaine or whatever the new method was.

But humans were strange creatures. They weren't as easy to find as angles on an equilateral. I couldn't cross multiply smiles and words to come to the correct emotions. Which is why I have decided to keep my teenage friends, in the physical form, to a single digit. That single digit being one.

"Do you think that Mrs. M sucked out her husband's brains herself or do you think she had already been replaced?"

I shifted my gaze from my math homework and allowed my eyes to rest of Jeremy's bare back.

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