First Date.

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Robbin's POV

Later on that day, me and Kendrick decided to go on a date. I was kind-of nervous, but of course Janelle was overly excited about it. I was nervous because I hadnt been on a  date ever since college with Tyrin. That was almost 10 years ago. But anyways, after work Janelle dropped me off and tried to stay but I told her to go home. I went to my closet and picked out a black fitted peblum dress with my gold and black 6' wedges.

After I got out the shower, I curled my hair and wrapped it in a high bun. I got dressed and then heard a knock at the door. "Coming!" I yelled adjusting my dress in the hallway mirror. i walked to the door and took a deep breth then opened it.

Kendrick's POV

I was nervous. I was about to go on a date with a woman that I spilled coffee on at a coffee shop. I was wearing a black suit with a red tie. Something simple. Most of the clothes I usually wear is levi-jeans, white shirts ,and nike cortez'. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later she opened it. Man, she was beautifull. Her smile, body, personality, and everything. "Ready?" I asked . "Yeah." She walked out the door and locked it. I guided her to the car and opened the passeneger door. "Thank you" she said putting her other leg in the car. "No problem beautiful." I said closing the door. 

It took us about 15 minutes to get to La'Madeline. I gave valet my keys and Robbin and I headed to our table. We sat down and started ooking at our menu's. 

Kendrick: Have you ever been here?

Robbin: Yeah. 

Kendrick: Oh really, with who?

Robbin: My husband. We came whenver we just wanted to get out the house or just do something. But thats over now.

Kendrick: oh ok. and like i said I sorry about what happened to your husband. 

Robbin: Its ok. You have any questions for me?

Kendrick: Umm. When is your birthday? Like what sign-

Robbin: November the 18th. 

Kendrick: Oh, so your a scorpio. 

Robbin: yeah. When is your birthday?

Kendrick: June 17th

RObbin: I dont mean to be rude or anything but do you have a record?

Kendrick: No. 

Robbin: So, you've never been to jail?

Kendrick: Only for tickets.

Robbin: But earlier today you said you never been to jail. 

Kendrick: Well, I-

Olivia:(waitress) Hello. Sorry for the wait, we're kind of busy. Im Olivia, I'l  be your waiter. What would you like to drink? 

Robbin: I'll just have a water.

Kendrick: Iced Tea. 

Olivia: Ok, I'll be right back. (walks off)

Kendrick: Why would you ask about the criminal-record thing? 

Robbin: Because you never know how men are these days. 

Kendrick: So you saying thats me? 

Robbin: (laughs) No, Im not thats you. Im just saying in general. 

Kendrick: Ok Robbin. 

Robbin: Ok Kendrick. 

Robbin's POV

The rest of the night, it was awkward. We had on -and-off conversations and the car ride was quiet. But he was a gentlemen. He walked me to my door, told my goodnight, asked me for a second date (of course, I said yes) and kissed my cheek and left. I felt like butterflies were in my stomach. In think I was in love. Wait-Wait-Wait, no I wasnt. I coudnt be, I just met the dude. I slid down my door and felt my hair against my neck. In just closed my eyes and i dozed off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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