Meeting Kendrick.

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Robbin's POV

I woke up this morning at 8:00 feeling very happy and energized. I got out my bed and went to the restroom to brush my teeth and wash my fash. While I was brushing my teeth, my phone rang. I walked out the restroom and it was Janelle.

Robbin: Hello? (still brushing)

Janelle: Hey, are you up?

Robbin: Yes Janelle, im up. 

Janelle: Ok, see you in 45 minutes.

Robbin: Goodbye. 

I hung up the phone and spit my toothpaste out. I wiped my mouth and face and went into my closet. I pulled out a pair of black slacks and a different patterened t-shirt. I looked on my shoe rack and found a pair of black stilettos that I hadnt wore since the funeral. I sat all of the stuff on my bed and got dressed.

45 Minutes Later

Janelle pulled up and honked the horn. I walked into my living room and grabbed my keys from the key dish. I looked in the mirror and walked out the door. I locked the house door and got in Janelle's black Range Rover. 

Janelle: Hey!

Robbin: Hi! 

Janelle: Ready to go?

Robbin: Sure. But whats got you in a good mood this morning?

Janelle: Oh nothing. 

She said smiling. 

Robbin: Janelle.

I looked at her and she started laughing. 

Janelle: What? It's nothing. 

Robbin: Tell me now. 

Janelle: Nope. 

Robbin: Now Janelle.

Janelle: Fine. The reason why we're going to the coffee shop this morning is because I got a guy i want you to met.

Robbin: Oh, No Janelle. I knew you were up to something.

Janelle: What are scared of? Believe me, he's a nice guy.

Robbin: How do you know that?

Janelle: Because...... I used to date him, but-

Robbin: NOOOOOOOooooooo. Uh-Uh. Im not doing it. 

Janelle: Please.

Robbin: Nope. 

Janelle: Robbin Giselle Turner. 

Robbin: Janelle Kilandra Jones. 

Janelle: Please.

Janelle stopped at the stop-light and looked at me. 

Robbin: Fine.

I sighed and crossed my arms.

Robbin: But if I dont like him, Im leaving. 

Janelle: How are you going to do that and I'm driving?

Robbin: I'll catch a taxi. 

Janelle: Trust me. You'll like him.

She pulled into a parking spot and we got out the car. We walked into the coffee shop and the line wasnt long. The place wasnt crowded either. It was about a good eleven people in there. "There he goes" Janelle said pointing to the man ordering coffee. He was about medium-height, dark-skinned, and had a funny looking haircut. He payed for his coffee and stood to the side making the line move up. If i thought about it hard enough, he looked like Tyrin. "I'll order your coffee." Janelle said moving toward the cashier. "Go sit at that table by the window." I started walking over to the table and -

Janelle POV

I talked to Kendrick the night before Robbin and I went to go get coffee. We both made a plan in order for him to win on Robbin. Trust me, I know Robb and she will fall for a boy easily, not saying that its a bad thing. 

Robbin POV

"OUCH!" I yelled. Hot coffee trickled down my pants leg and it burned. "You spilled coffee all over me!!" It was the boy Janelle was going to introduce me to, but it was over before it started. 

Kendrick: I'm Sooo Sorry Ma'am. ! 

He went over to the counter and grabbed a lot of napkins. 

Robbin: Here, just give me the napkins and I'll wipe it off.

Kendrick: No, I promise. I got it. 

He started wiping my pants leg and it was drawing lots of attention. Then I seen Janelle come up with our coffee. 

Janelle: I tried to come as fast as I could. What happened?

Robbin: This man just spilled coffee all over me!

Janelle: Ugh! Kendrick ! Your always clumsy! 

Kendrick : Whatever Janeelle. 

He got up and threw the napkins in the trash. "Like I said, Im very sorry. Umm, How about we sit and talk. Im Kendrick and you are?" he said reaching his hand out for hand shake.

"Robbin." I said shaking his hand. We sat at a table and Janelle was sitting at the other table looking at us. 

Kendrick: So, uhh. You in a relationship?

Robbin: Um. No. Actually my husband died three years. 

Kendrick: Oh, sorry to hear that. If you dont mind me asking, how did he die?

Robbin: He was killed in a hit-and-run; then kidnapped.

Kendrick's POV

I was talking to "Robbin" and she started telling about how her husband was killed. It brought back memories to the night I killed te man in the alley. 

Kendrick: Sorry to hear that. Did they ever find out who did it?

Robbin: No. 

Kendrick: Oh, Ok. Anyways, do you work?

Robbin: Yes, I work as a receptionist at a Modeling Company. Do you work?

Kendrick: Umm, No. but I got into a bad car accident about two or three years ago and I still get a check for it. 

Robbin: How bad was the wreck?

Kendrick: It was pretty bad. I fell into a ditch and the car tossed a couple of times. 

After thirty more minutes of conversation, me and Kendrick exchanged numbers and we left. 

Janelle: (driving) yeah, you can thank me later. 

Robbin: (laughs) Thanks!

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