dean x reader- happier

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Dean's pov
I hated it. I hated seeing her all over him. I hated seeing her kiss him and look at him with such love. Oh how I wished she looked at me like that...... But my chances are long gone. I messed it up and now she is with him.

She is happier with him so I won't stand in the way. But the knife in my heart twists even more Everytime I see her with him.

Zack had been hunting with us for about a year now and (y/n) had been with him for 6 months. It's all my fault too. I had the chance to make her mine but I blew it.....

I was sitting in the library looking for a new case when (y/n) walked in. "Hey" I said.

She smiled sadly and waved. Before I could say anything she started asking me some questions. " If you love someone but you know that they will never love you back and someone actually shows interest in you, would you act on the person who is there and actually likes you or would you keep trying with the person you have no chance with?"

I knew she was talking about Zack. He had been showing interest in her since the day he started hunting with us. But the other person she was talking about, I couldn't figure it out. Here was my chance to tell her how I felt before she ran off with him. I opened my mouth to tell her she shouldn't date him and be with me, but all that came out was, "(y/n), if Zack asked you out say yes."

What was a doing?!?! Losing my chance to have happiness. She looked up at me with those beautiful (y/e/c) eyes and I swore I saw hurt in them. But as quickly as it was there it was gone. She stood up and said " thanks Dean." And walked out. Ohh how I hated myself.

End flashback

It was midnight and I could here them fighting. He was screaming something about him being the only one trying in the relationship and she was going on about how he sneaks off in the dead of night to go to bars and sleep around.

I couldn't help but listen. " I love you Zack and I have done nothing to mess up what we are but you can't handle the pressure of hunting so you go drink and sleep it off with skanks!! Well I'm tired of it so get out and don't come back!" He grabbed some stuff and marched out of the bunker. All that was left was the quite sounds of (y/n) crying.

Slowly I walked over to her door. I knocked softly and quickly the crying stopped. She opened the door and I couldn't stop myself from rapping her in my arms. I hated seeing her cry. She broke down and began sobbing into my chest.

I slowly walked her into her room and we sat on her bed and she just cried as I stroked her (h/l) (h/c) hair. Soon she sat up and looked me in the eyes. All I could see was the anger. But it wasn't pointed twards Zack, it was pointed at me. "Why do you care Dean?? You have never cared before. I tried for so long to get you to notice me and I even tried to show you that I loved you but you said I should go out with him!!"

"I-i was scared (y/n)!!!! I love you and I always have but I knew you wouldn't be happy with me so I told you to be with him because he would make you happier. It hurt so much to see you with him and I regret every day that I didn't tell you how I felt."

"How could you assume who I would be happy with. I have always wanted you and I could never be as happy with him as with you!! I love you, Dean, more than anything in the world!!" She looked down at her hands and then her head shot up. She grabbed my face and slammed her lips to mine. It was better than I could ever imagine. Her lips tasted like cupcakes and I just melted into her. We pulled away and she said "I will always he happier with you Dean Winchester."

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