Part 5: changing

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Later that night I messaged Jake on Facebook. Since they were both on the same teams, and I was close to him and I trusted him, I asked him if he could message him and ask him a few questions about me... but in a slick way.
"But why don't you do it yourself?"
"No I can't message him Jake are you crazy!"
I hated doing this, and basically she wants me to set them up.
Anyways I opened his message page and said
He responded so fast.
"Hey man, what's up?" He replied
It is not like I dislike Derrick, he is a chill guy but I don't know, I don't get a good vibe.
"What homework do we have for French? I missed it"
"Oh I'm not sure, sorry man."
"No problem, I'll ask Maryam"
"When you ask her, can you tell me what it is aswell?"
"Alright man. Hey man can I also ask you a question?"
So basically Maryam does not I'm not saying this...
"Yeah sure" Derrick responded.

"I know you and Ramiysa use to have a thing going on back then, and you guys are like just good friends now but I find her pretty cute and was just wondering how I should ask her out? Obviously not right now, but in the future. I just want to know what she likes or not."

"Haha aye my boy liking the grade 8 girls, big move. She really likes dates at bluffs and playing soccer, keep that in mind. And also she hates guys who are scared and only talk online, so make sure not to ask her out on Facebook haha."

"Yeah they are pretty cute. Thanks man, if you ever need a set up I'm here."

"I'm good haha."

"So which grade 7 girls do you find the prettiest?"

"Why?" Derrick asked
It took me a while to think of a response.

"Oh because I don't know, we were talking about grade 8 girls."

"Haha um Maryam is pretty cute, Rebecca too."
Shit how am I suppose to tell Maryam that he finds her bestfriend cute...

"Oh, you want me to hook you up with them?"

"Nah man, I got a girlfriend."


"Alright man, I'm heading to bed. Goodnight."

"Night kiddo."
Kiddo. This is the bad vibes I get.
**next day at school**
I stayed for lunch today because I was so anxious to know what Derrick said to Jake. I was also very scared too. It better be worth it because I don't usually stay for lunch.
I saw Jake in the field playing soccer at lunch recess and went to him and asked him what happened.
We left the field and sat on the pavement alone.
"So what happened?!" She said with her eyes gleaming and bigger than usual.

"Um, do you want good or bad First?"

"Just say it all."

"So I asked him about homework first and then it lead to the topic of who he finds cute in our grade 7 class. He said your name."


"He also finds Rebecca cute."

Maryam face kind of fell but she did not seem thag sad.

"It's alright, she is cute that's why, but he said he finds me cute too, okay Jake can you tell him in a way that I find him cute too?"

How was I suppose to tell her he has a girlfriend. I was already getting mad she was making me do all this.

"What do you even see in him? Just because his eyes are blue? He thinks he is on top of everyone and he is an asshole."

Her face turned very angry. "Hey what's your problem, he did nothing bad to you why are you talking smack?"

That something I loved about Maryam. She never swore, she always used better words, me and Kalvin would always swear and she would get mad. She makes me and Kalvin pay $1 each time we swear. Extra, but it was cute. She wanted us to stop but I never knew why.

"Nah I'm just saying you have some weird f*cking taste."

"First of all, $1 please and second, every girl likes him. Why are you so jealous? Is it because he had that hoe Ramiysa and you don't ?"

Now I'm mad.
"First of all don't call her a hoe you don't even know her side of the story..."

She cut me off and said, "oh yeah because stealing someone's man is not hoeing around eh? She stole her bestfriends boyfriend, secretly talking to him in that way aswell. Your taste is amazing man."

"That is not even the full story. You know what they did to her after? They got the whole class against her. Punished her until she stopped coming to school for a long time. They even threw a basketball in her face and she bled like crazy. I admit, she made a mistake but she does regret it and she has nobody now. We all make mistakes. And she was punished for two years."


I had no clue she was punished that hard, and he is right we do mistakes and we do change too. But I don't know, I feel like she hasn't.

"Whatever, atleast I have better taste."

"Maryam he is taken."

Those words shocked me. He is! What was I even thinking though, does it even matter? I cannot even be with him he's a non Muslim and these relationships are haram. What am I even thinking or doing? What am I becoming and why am I so sadden by the fact?

There was a long silence until he did something he has never done before, hugged me.
I allowed it because it was comforting, but this was my first hug from someone other than family.
This is why Jake will always be my best friend, even if he is mad, he doesn't want me to be sad, he understands.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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