Part 4: changing

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the only reason why we were talking or friends with Zennatt was because of Maryam. Everyone was too scared to expose the real side of Zennatt and nobody wanted to hurt Maryam, plus she would never listen to us. But I guess it came out.
"In 5th grade, I really liked her. She took advantage of that. She made me feel like sh*t. She would make me feel like killing myself sometimes. I would secretly buy her things, because she would ask for it but some days I saw it in the trash, I was always so confused. She made it seem like she has a sad life, so that's why she was the way she was, but I later realized she was just playing with me. For 2 years, this summer I ignored you for a while because she told me you hated me secretly, and of course I did not believe it at first, but she made it sound so believable. I stopped talking to her though, and now I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you Maryam"
Her mouth was wide open.
Me, Rebecca, Jake, Kalvin, and Marie all sat down at our table.
I was in shock. They showed me a couple of messages she sent them being death threats and let downs. And the flirting with Jake, and how she said I hated him.
She knew I liked him too, yet she tried to break it. She was so evil. She is probably not even real to me, but what hurts me the most is how much it killed them.
I knew what to do.
Confront her.
The next day during recess
Zennatt was walking towards us, I got even more mad when I saw her face. She was with Ramiysa and 2 other grade 8 girls.
"Hey guys, guess what..." Zennatt said but I cut her off.
"How dare you hurt all of them." Marie and Rebecca were behind me hiding, saying nothing, but shocked I stood up from them like that.
"What are you talking about?"
"You literally made some people feel like killing themselves, you always would hurt these two behind my back, what was that all about with Jake this summer? Were you even real to me?" I said and all of her friends were just watching me.
"Hey she didn't mean it all" Ramiysa said
"You shut it, you know nothing."
Ramiysa kept quiet.
"Don't ever talk to me, or bother them ever again, or else you'll have to go through me."
She nodded and both groups parted ways.
Inside I felt really hurt, a 7 year friendship all gone.
I still wonder why she did what she did.
***few hours later***
It was geography class which meant all the 7th graders were in the class.
Everyone sat away from Zennatt, some were wondering why, but most were happy at the fact. I wasn't.
I couldn't take it anymore, seeing her all alone.
So I went to her desk.
"Why did you do it?"
"I was bored" she replied.
What a poor reply, so I left
I think I am just gonna let her go. I never will tell her the truth, it was honestly because she always had everything she wanted. I was always jealous of her, so I made them all afraid to show they liked her more. But now she made her army, ha.
I did love her like my sister though, I hated the rest. Teachers would always call us inseparable but I can't believe she went against me like that. I didn't mind too much of letting go of the friendship, because we were probably going to distance anyways with the different classes.
They all exposed me anyways, how am I going to explain that? Anyways, I have the grade 8 girls now.
I guess it's a goodbye to us.
***few days later***
I guess I was better now, I started to realize how much more free I was without her, same with the people around me, but I still felt upset, but me and her did talk a little bit.
My Mom asked what happened, and I told her but I knew I'd regret telling her later because she always uses everything against me.
***October 16th,2012***
"Alright class, I do this thing where I switch up the seating plan so you guys can communicate with other people. It is totally random."
I ended up sitting with Rebecca, and these 2 girls named Rana and Misha. They were both bestfriends and although they weren't popular, they were in grade 8 and very chill. Marie sat very far away from us): and Calvin, Jake, and 2 other guys say at one table. Across from me was Derrick, and his friends Kyle, Connor and Sanjay. I never really talked to his friend except Sanjay because Sanjay was cousins with one of my close friends, her name is Monita.
I was pretty happy with the seating plan, I got close to everyone at my table.
I remember on this day, Derrick threw a ball of paper at me with a note inside it saying "got any song suggestions for the dance?"
Kyle was always the DJ at the school dances and the upcoming one was the Halloween dance. Both of our groups were talking about it and I remember I started to get comfortable with him as well, this totally made my day!!! We were all talking, laughing, and teasing each other.
I knew what move I was gonna make next.

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