Not Hurt

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Maya POV:

Lucas gets to go home today. We're gonna spend the day at his house since he's starting school again tomorrow. Apparently, he didn't ask Riley because their relationship isn't the same as it used to be. It hurt that he called me as his second pick.

Lucas- "You know that's not what I meant Maya!"

Maya- "Just go!" We arrived to the smell of chili."Jane, it's not chili night. What's up?"

Lucas- "Maybe she's excited to see her son home for the first time in months?"

Maya- "No one told you to get shot!" She just laughed at us.

Mrs. Friar- "I'm hosting a dinner party with all of your friends and a certain family member."

Maya- "Is it Pappy Joe? It's Pappy Joe! Yes!" He walked down the stairs and smiled at me.

Pappy Joe- "Hello Ms. Maya. I'm happy to see you too." I ran over and gave him a hug. "It's funny to find you speaking to Lucas, considering when he got on that bull in 8th grade. Are y'all finally dating? Took you long enough boy!" What? I turn to Lucas who had a similar reaction.

Maya- "Um, no, he's still with Riley." His face made me more confused. "Is that surprising?"

Pappy Joe- "A bit. When y'all came down to visit, you kept making goggly eyes at each other. I didn't even notice you had a thing with the brunette Lucas. All I remember was her telling you how much of a brother ya are to her." I think I'll let Lucas handle this one.

Lucas- "Well sir, Riley and I decided that we liked each other as more than friends and wanted to try being a couple." Pappy Joe shook his head and sighed,

Pappy Joe- "Whatever makes you happy boy."

Lucas POV:

Pappy Joe- "So Ms. Maya, any boys caught your eye lately?" No.

Maya- "Well..." No. "Maybe one or two." What? I know I'm dating Riley but she's supposed to like me!

Pappy Joe- "Oh! Are they cowboys?"

Maya- "Of course! I have a type Pappy Joe."

Pappy Joe- "I assume they will meet standards?"

Maya- "You tell me." As she pointed to the door, I noticed Zay walk in with Brandon and Josh. Who was she talking about? Why did it make me so angry? I saw Maya whispering to Pappy Joe about something, making him laugh but I didn't catch it.

Pappy Joe- "He's perfect Maya!" No. He can't be perfect. She can't like him more than me. No. I felt arms slip around my waist, making me stop glaring at the boys.

Maya- "Chill Huckleberry! It's a party! Let's have fun!" I smiled as she started dancing. "Don't get jealous of my moves Sundance!" I grab her hands as we dance around the living room. I see Riley smile from the kitchen but it doesn't compare to Maya's. Her smile lights up the room.

Lucas- "You're gorgeous!" She blushed slightly.

Maya- "Not so bad yourself!" She grinned up at me but her smile fell when she noticed Riley. "You should dance with her."

Lucas- "But I'm having fun with you!"

Maya- "But I'm not your girlfriend because somehow, she hasn't dumped you yet, even though you flirt with me all the time."

Lucas- "Just wait!" I started leaning in to kiss her when I heard a small cough behind me. I stood up knowing it was her. "Hey Riley."

Riley- "Hey Lucas. Peaches!" It was so obvious that we had lost feelings for one another yet neither of us broke it off.

Maya- "I'll leave you two to talk." I wanted to ask her to stay but held my tongue.

Riley- "Hey..."

Lucas- "Hey..."

Riley- "Yup."

Lucas- "I like Maya!" I slapped my hand over my mouth and waited for the yelling.

Riley- "I know." Not what I was expecting. "I've always known, I just didn't want to accept it."

Lucas- "I'm so sorry Riley! I didn't want to hurt you but I couldn't keep doing this. We hardly even talk anymore."

Riley- "It's ok and your right. I'm not hurt. I think I might be in love with Farkle though." I smiled at the thought of them together.

Lucas- "You should go tell him. He's like you forever." She smiled and gave me a hug before going to find him. Now I have to go and find my blond beauty.

Hey, thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it helps satisfy your lucaya heart a bit. I love reading your comments so feel free to say whatever's on your mind. If you like the chapter, please vote for it. I know it seems mundane but it helps me, the author, a lot to see what y'all like and don't like about the story. Enjoy!

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