Silly Daze: Part 3

Start from the beginning

He didn't even think she realized that she did all of that.

Getting an idea—although Dr. Roberts was aware that both Dakota and Victor were actually supposed to have a mission now and therefore Miss Sang was to be picked up by Owen after her checkup, and that Sean was currently working, he was aware that that left 5 or 6 gentlemen currently unaccounted for. At least one of them should be able and willing to come sit with their bird if that was what would calm her down—he stood and backed away slowly, never once doing anything to make him seem angry or in a rush.

"I'll tell you what, I'll go ahead and do a few of my rounds, check on a few patients, and we'll give you a bit of time to just relax in whatever way works best for you, okay? And, if you like, we can call down one of your guys, and just have him to come sit with you for a bit—not through the actual examination, but just until you feel more comfortable. How does that sound?"

He watched the tiny blonde give a small gulp, unconsciously relaxing her shoulder –though at which of his concessions, he wasn't sure – and smiled, happy he'd found something that would work for them both. He nodded at her, leaving the room and making sure to close the door so that she wouldn't be bothered while he went to both make calls and check on a few patients. Whew, what a checkup and it hadn't even began yet!


Dr. Roberts made sure to stop by the nurse's stand just so that they would know to not bother Miss Sang. In her anxious state, who knows how uncomfortable she'd get if a stranger came in.

The nurses were short-handed today, as they almost always were (not enough people in the Academy wanted to be nurses these days, it was all doctors and pilots and super-spys. He blamed the movies.). He had to wait a full 7 minutes before the lone nurse now at the station—the other two had left with multiple clipboards each to do whatever they were off to do—turned to him finally.

She gave him a harried smile, her hands coming up to toss her golden, unruly curls from her face revealing tired blue eyes.

Her tone was warm as she recognized him. "Dr. Roberts! So sorry about the wait, it's a bit hectic, big accident on the highway and the nearby hospitals are overworked, understaffed, and running out of beds for the patients they've already got!"

She paused, Dr. Roberts smiling at the passion in her voice. All Academy girls were like that, passionate. She actually reminded him a bit of Sang. He took note of her name badge – Alice – and made a mental note to maybe introduce the two young ladies later. Miss Sang could use a female friend, and Alice appeared no older than perhaps 20, 21.

"But listen to me venting," Alice stopped herself, shaking her head, her small smile turning rueful. "What can I do for you, Dr. Roberts?"

He waved her concerns away, "I'm completely fine with venting, I am married you know." He paused to chuckle. "But, listen, I've got a patient in room 305, she's very anxious right now. So much so, that I'm nearly afraid she'll vibrate straight off of the bed and through the floor!"

His own pager went off at that moment and he grabbed it, knowing a few seconds could be a serious matter in his profession. It was indeed, a nurse from the ER calling. It was a matter of courtesy that, if a doctor wasn't on-call in the ER, you didn't call him on the intercom unless it was directly life or death.

He nodded to Alice, silently letting her know that it was very serious and he had to go, for the moment forgetting to finish his instructions about not bothering Sang.

____ C _____

Alice Wunderland – no she doesn't know the Mad Hatter or the Red or White Queens and the only rabbits she's ever talked to have definitely never talked back to her – smiled as the well-known doctor rushed off in the direction of the Emergency Room.

She'd figured as many doctors as possible would be getting called in, if only to go help at some of the other nearby hospitals. When the 18 wheeler lost control, and all of those cars were going at speeds that they just couldn't stop in time, the resulting accident had left a massive pileup that the rescue workers were still trying to dig through even as hospitals were beginning to redirect ambulance drivers because they just didn't have the space or resources available to help.

Alice's mind went back to the patient that Dr. Roberts had been telling her about in 305. She felt bad for whoever the poor girl was.

She could at least do her job and go help her out, she thought, as she went to the supply closet to grab the Alprazolam.

Unfortunately, when she got to the room, she realized that Dr. Roberts had either not taken the time or was too rushed to do so, but he hadn't completed a file on the girl. So when Alice entered the room, she had no name to go off of nor any idea of what the girl could be allergic to or anything!

She took a breath, and shook her head. What a day!

Alice moved forward, slowly, remembering Dr. Roberts about how anxious the girl was simply by seeing how much she was shaking just sitting there.

"Hi, my name is Alice Wunderland, I'm a nurse here," she began, ignoring the way that the girl flinched at her words. It would do no good for the girl if both of them were too afraid to move or speak to the other. Even if Alice hated the thought of terrifying the girl.

Alice began to take the necessary precautions and steps to begin a file for the girl and to administer the medication. All the while, she talked, keeping her voice confident and gentle.

"So what's your name? Dr. Roberts didn't get a chance to tell me before he was rushed off to the ER."

From the corner of her eye, Alice saw the girl stiffen and go pale and Alice could've smacked herself. "No, no, no, not anything like that, they needed him as a doctor" she tried to reassure the girl, walking closer to lay a hand on her shoulder.

The girl flinched so violently that her back hit the table and Alice saw her wince.

Alice backed away quickly—if anyone needed to be calmed down right now, it was definitely this girl!—and reached for the alprazolam. She reached out, handing it to the girl with a cup of water she'd gotten from the faucet.

"Dr. Roberts mentioned you were really worked up, I've brought you something to help. It'll just make you feel a bit calmer and more relaxed." She watched the girl stare at the pills in one hand and the cup of water in the other.

"Is there anyone you'd like me to call for you, or maybe—" she didn't get to finish her sentence.

The girl spoke for the first time, "Owen Blackbourne," and even Alice froze.

There wasn't a soul in the academy who didn't know that name—the guy was the epitome of perfection, but so closed off and formal that most girls knew not to even bother trying to get to him. Who was this girl?

Thankfully, though, Alice knew that Owen Blackbourne was on a team with Sean Green so Blackbourne's contact information would be on file here.

She smiled and nodded at the girl. "Can I have your name? I'll give him a call and have him come right down while you take your medication," because there was no way in heck she was going to leave this girl as frightened and anxious as she was.

When the girl whispered "Sang," Alice gave herself a mental pat on the back and then downright silently whooped for joy as the girl swallowed the pills and the water down.

"That Xanax should kick in soon, now you just relax and I'll go get Mr. Blackbourne down here for you." Alice smiled at the girl, making sure to close the door on her way back out to the nurse's station and filling out her newly created file for the girl as she did, leaving it in the box by the door.

They may be understaffed and overworked, but it felt pretty darn goodbeing a nurse sometimes

A/N: I know absolutely nothing about doctor, or hospitals, or their SOP or anything so go with the flow and don't hate me if something makes you go "are you serious right now" lol

ALSO, you're getting both Part 2 and 3 today (so if you came straight to this, go back one) because I want the next weekend's update to be the laughs and I forgot how much it takes to actually set up a story. Anyway, see you next Saturday/Sunday 

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