My Other Half - Part 13

Start from the beginning


"I have someone I want you to meet."

I hope he doesn't expect me to dress up. He wants us to meet someone? He literally just had a fight with mom last night. What could he possibly want? What ever happened to greif? Does he not feel bad for putting us throught this?



So my dad said he had someone he wanted us to meet. Could it be a girlfriend? I don't know. If it is it's way too soon.

We walked into iHop and he lead us to a table. Abby wasn't as curious as I was. She dressed down in a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I was wearing a tank top and a skirt. Since when did we switch wardrobes?

A boy that looked a few years older than us stood up. Dad put his arm around him.

"Abby, Justice I want you to meet Owen, your half brother."

"Half brother!?!?!" I was not expecting that "So I, we, have a brother?"

"Hi." He shook our hands. "I'm going to go ahead and guess who is who, um you're Justice?" He asked pointing to Abby.

Abby pointed to me

"Oh my bad. Well I'm going to have to get used to this."

"I usually dress up and wear make up. We thought we'd trick you and give you a hard time. I wear makeup which covers my freckles and she doesn't. Her freckles show."

Abby's voice was so monotone. I guess she was trying to make a joke? I don't know what's going on with her.

"We should sit." Dad suggested.

"So Owen, how old are you?" Abby asked.

"I'm 19."

"19 huh? So dad you had an affair before you got married?"

"Abigail." He said. He gave her a stern look.

"Abby." I nudged her on her side.

"I'm just saying. He and mom were together when it happened. It was a year before they got married. So he had an affair. He cheated. Probably still is."

"Abigail where is this coming from?"

"I talked to mom. All those business trips over the past couple of years, They weren't to build a house. Yeah sure the last one you were on could've been. The one's where you took a weekend off those could've been legit too but being gone weeks at a time, that's suspicious. You cheated. You have been cheating on my mother even before you got married and now you want us to meet your son? Who are we meeting next our new mommy?"

"That's enough, Abigail."

"I'm leaving anyways. Nice to meet you Owen. You seem like a nice person and I have nothing against you. Maybe we could hang out or something but not with him." She pointed to dad. "I'll see you later Justice."

And with that, Abby left. It was just me, Owen and dad. What was that about? What does Abby know?

The waiter came and we ordered. The rest of breakfast went well. We were laughing and talking and the conversation came naturally. But I know one thing was on everyone's minds, what did Abby mean and was what she was saying true?

I wonder if Owen knows anything. If he knows who my dad is seeing if he knows about the affair I just want to know what he knows in general.

"Hey Owen, we have a pool at our house. You should come over and hang out for a while."

"Good idea Justice. How about tomorrow? " Dad said.

"Tomorrow is perfect."

My dad asked the waiter for the check and the conversation continued.



I got up from the table and was on my way out of the restaurant. 'Meet my son?' Are you kidding? Not even a day after they fought and he's already ready to move on. How do you get married to someone knowing that you had a child with another women right before your wedding?

I was so distracted with my thoughts I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.

I bumped into something I thought was a wall but when I looked up there was a tall light skinned boy about my age looking down at me with a smirk on his face. He had dark hair with a blonde part in the front of his hair. Oh my goodness this boy is hot.

"You okay?" His voice was so deep.

I tried to say something but nothing came out.

"Well I'm going to go."

He stared at me a little while longer, making me even more nervous.


I tried to wave but I couldn't move. Oh my gosh I've felt like this before. What is wrong with me? Yeah he's hot but I'm not Justice I can talk to guys. I looked down at my clothes. Oh my gosh no. Am I turning into Justice?

I practically ran out of the restaurant and while I was looking for my car I realized that I didn't drive here. I got a ride with dad.

I took my phone out of my purse and scrolled down my contacts. I called Nicole.


"Can you come get me from iHop?"

"Yeah I'll be there in few."


Nicole brought me back to her house.

"Isaiah isn't home right?"

"No. Why would I bring you here if I knew you would've been stolen from me?"

We laughed and I waited for Nicole to open the door.

She walked in first and I walked in behind her.

"Oh umm okay come on Abby."


"Nothing let's go."

I pushed past Nicole to see what she saw. I saw Isaiah trying to get Qintell off of him. I turned around and stormed out of the house. Nicole was still standing in the doorway.

"ABBY!" Isaiah kept calling my name but I didn't stop.

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