Chapter 9

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"Pretty much just stand here in front of the BigHit sign and tell the camera a bit about yourself and a swift description about your album. State your name, age, and your position at BigHit. No pressure alright?" A man explained to me as he stood behind a camera waiting to record.

I stood fumbling with my fingers nervously as I pulled my 'Rookie' jacket closer to my body with a small nod of nervousness. "Yeah, no biggie." I replied.

"And...go!" He told me as he pressed down on a camera button. I sucked in a breath of air and a smile crossed my mouth as I bowed toward the camera.

"Hello!" I said before standing up straight once more, "my name is Rookie! And I have come to BigHit as my own solo rapper line at 25 years old. My first album, self-entitled 'Rookie', will be released for you to hear in a days time! In the time we have together, please take care of me! Thank you and goodbye!"

I raised both of my hands as I waved to the camera with a soft grin before slouching once the cameraman cleared me to do so.

"That was perfect, I'll do a little bit of editing and then release it under BigHit's YouTube channel. Hopefully we can gain you some attention in the short deadline we have."

"Thank you!" I told him as my head gave a small bow before I left the room while running a hand through my hair as I walked toward the studio. Everything was set, and I had finally come up with a full album within a week.



Back Then


High Times

I was most nervous about 'Inside'. I didn't know if a song so straightforward like that should be in the first album. But it's too late to back out now, I've worked much too hard to let everything go to waste now.

As I fumbled with the key to unlock my studio I heard distant cheers and cries. They weren't the harmful kind, but the ecstatic type. I followed the sound while my curiosity grew with every step I took. Eventually I traced the inhumane noises toward the place I suspected the most.

Studio: BTS

With a sigh I opened the door to see all the members sitting in the middle of the room with a laptop in the middle of them. Before I could speak, I could hear my own voice echoing around the room from the laptops small but powerful speakers.

'The studio version...' I thought to myself as I approached the males.

"What on earth are you doing with my recordings!?" I asked them with my arms tightly crossed against my chest as I eyeballed everyone of them. Hoseok leant forward and hit the spacebar to pause it before he stood up to his feet and shrouded me with his arms tightly.

"My precious little Rookie is so talented!" He chirped before starting to spin around the room while holding me tightly.

"We raised her so well, didn't we Hoseok?" Namjoon asked as he pretended to wipe a tear away from his eye. I pushed myself away from Hoseok and fixed my hair before puffing my cheeks toward the males.

"Oh please, you only checked on me a couple of times during the whole process. If anyone here raised me it was Yoongi." I told them before looking to the floor in sudden shock at my outburst. Now all eyes were glued to Yoongi as he sat with his legs crossed and wide eyes.

"I mean," he cleared his throat before standing up and dusting himself off sheepishly, "yeah I helped her out. She is my Rookie." Yoongi stated before rolling his eyes and sighing, "the Rookie not my Rookie."

A gulp slid down my throat to try and distract myself from letting my cheeks flush as much as they wanted to at that point. I let out a small chuckle to break the silence before Jungkook and Taehyung flew up to my side with wide smiles, barging past Yoongi in the process.

"Wow Noona!" Jungkook began, "I didn't know you were so talented! I should've paid more attention and visited more." Jungkook whined before Taehyung nodded his head in agreement.

"Not only are you good at rapping, but your vocals are so pleasing to listen to. I want lessons Noona!" He demanded as he got onto his knees and pleaded with a pout. Almost the way a child would act in a supermarket when they aren't allowed to have something to themselves.

Jungkook copied his actions and begged as well. My eyebrow twitched in annoyance as they kept making small whimpering noises. As much as they thought it was cute, it was very irritating.

"After my debut, maybe. We shall see what happens. But no promises ok?" I offered, and that seemed to be enough for the males to stop begging anyhow as they pushed themselves up off the floor and walked back over to their seat on the floor.

"Rookie," Yoongi said as he approached me with his hands deep within his pockets while looking off to the side as if he had suddenly become interested in his reflection that the mirrored wall displayed, "do you want to go and get a drink tonight? You know, to celebrate your album release?"

I felt my heart leap into my throat as his lips released his proposal. My head told me not to go. It was pounding with a sudden, and new kind of feeling. It was something which I hadn't felt before.

It was like a new type of fear.

However my heart was fluttering around in my chest like a butterfly gliding against the soft breeze on a spring day while the sun's sweet rays of life lit up its colourful existence.

It was like a new type of emotion.

"Going for drinks? Can I com-" Jin was silenced with a glare from Yoongi. The mans piercing eye hitting Jin right in the heart and making him become flustered. "Y-You know what, I think I'm busy."

Yoongi nodded slightly before he turned back to face me with a small glance in my direction as he waited for an answer. I met his eyes, feeling rather unsure of myself, and spoke.

"I'd love to have a drink."

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