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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School and Gcses have been happening. I will try and update every Saturday from now on. I'm sorry


By the time a few more songs had played, i was at the park sitting on the swings waiting for Tommy to show up. All pf a sudden i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist when i turned round i was expecting it to tommy but to my suprise it was...


"James? what are you doing here? I thought you and the boys had gone out for the day. "
"We had but decided to come to the park. But then Luke got a call from Beau saying that you weren't in your room anymore. And said about the little dispute. You had. So we started searching for you. You weren't very hard to find".

I loved the way that James could always make a bad moment. Feel just that bit better. I laughed as he sat down next to me. I then looked up to be faced with a very annoyed and angered Luke and a just as annoyed jai. But when they realised I was safe there faces relaxed and they weren't as cross as I thought they would be.

"Where have you been?". Luke demanded. I didn't want to answer. It was self explanatory really. I was at the park. I gave him a blank expression as If it was obvious (which it was) And looked down.
"Come on let's get home. Beau is worried sick. And a tad angry to say the least. " Jai stated. I knew that I couldn't go home though. I had to wait. Until he showed his face. And tommy wouldn't stop at anything until he saw me. He scared the crap out of me. But I couldn't leave just yet.

"You go i'll catch up in a minute." They nodded and started walking. When they were no longer to be seen. I heard a small but silent whisper from behind me. Then a felt a pair of hands tough my shoulders. And me whole body tensed.

"Oh come on don't be like that I've toughed you in better places. Besides I missed you. I haven't heard from you in a while and I missed the sound of your voice." I grimaced as he spoke. He had a smirk plastered to his face. He knew I was scared.

"You tell you stupid brothers when they see me around. And Us together. That were a thing again like the good old days. You got it. God I've miss your sweet voice. And if you don't say we're back together. Let's just say bye bye to your brothers. " I nodded weakly then made my excuse to leave.

"I've got to get going. Beaus is mad at me for leaving. Without him knowing and I have some stuff to do." I gracefully got up and was about to leave. When I saw jai and luke run back to me. Tommy took this as his chance and smacked his lips into mine. I tried to pull away. But he forced me to stay closer.

"What the hell Amelia!"

Luke's pov

After finally finding Amelia although we hadn't really have to look to far. She was sitting on the park bench. She looked like she was waiting for someone.

I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. When I saw her sitting with james relief washed through my body. I was angry at first. Why run off? she hadn't really done anything wrong. Had she?

I stormed up towards her "Where have you been?". I demanded. She didn't want to answer. It was pretty self explanatory anyway. She was at the park. She gave me a blank expression as If it was obvious (which it was) And she looked down ashamed.
"Come on let's get home. Beau is worried sick. And a tad angry to say the least." Jai stated.

James and jai had looked at me noticing her unsteady state. You go i'll catch up in a minute." She states We nodded and started walking back home.

It had been 30 minutes and she still hadn't arrived home I was starting to get worried. "I'm going back. I doesn't take this long. The parks only a 15 minute walk." Everyone looked at me and nodded and the jai got up and said that he was going to come with me.

As I got to the park. I saw Amelia sitting where she was before she was just getting up to leave. When I noticed. A guy sitting with her. As I got closer I realised who it was. Tommy swivelled Amelia around and kissed her. I thought she hated him but she wasn't trying to push him off.

As I got closer I heard the conversation. "Text me later babe. I love you forever and always." He exclaimed. She turned around and then noticed us. "What the hell Amelia. why him." Jai screamed. She scrunched her face up and then looked at jai. "We're together ok. So just get over it" she screamed.

Jai grabbed her by the arm and dragged her home. He was pissed. More than pissed. She can't go out with him again never. And if that means we have to act like responsible parents we will. I will not have him anywhere near her. And she better understand that.


Please vote and comment. Tried to make this chapter longer as haven't update in ages. I hope you like it and send any good ideas. You have for the story. Don't know where to take it. Thanks for reading 😄

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