Janoskian sister

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I was lying on my bed staring into thin air when I hear some whispers emerge from the door. I sat up to find a very bedraggled and scared luke standing at the door. I was scared to ask I he was ok.

At first I thought that I was still dreaming but hen he wrapped his arms around me. I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Promise me something" he whispered so quietly into my ear.

"What?" was my simple reply not really knowing If I wanted to know the answer or not.

"When dad comes out of prison you won't talk or try and make any arrangements to see him. You promise me. " he stated with some anger in his voice.

I nodded I was scared at the thought of my dad. Even though I have never seen or met him what he did was unforgettable.

You see my dad was in prison for brutal hurting my mum. Who unfortunately passed away. He was given 25 year but I was 5 when this happened. So if your thinking who looks after you it's beau as he is 20 and legally allowed.

I stood up from lukes tight grip and stared at him. I was confused and you could tell e was holding something back. But I didn't want to ask it was to early in the morning to be upset.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs to see beau sitting on the counter. I walked past him and just grabbed an apple and sat next to him.
"You need to eat more thank an apple for breakfast you know!" he stated
"I know but I'm nog hungry" I simply said as if he should have already known.

He gave me a whatever look and we just sat in silent. I hated silence so I spoke
"Is luke ok he was acting all strange and talking about dad" beau froze he hated the word dad he knew i hardly ever said it because of what had happened. he looked a me just a bit confused at what I just said.
"You know I don't talk about him. I never have and never will. I can't stand him. He was a liar and cheetah and.."

I cut him off "I'm sorry I was only asking no need to prepare a speech" I replied bluntly. He looked at me with utter disgust before waking up the stairs and slamming the door to his room. Great way to start the day right.

I walked back up the stairs and decided to have a shower and get changed and try and have a fun day with my best friend Katie. She was the only friend I had an the only one I really wanted.

-------------skip the shower (sorry)------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I decided to wear my blue shorts that had a few rios and my white crop top that said I am who I am on it. I then texted Katie.

To: Katie
From: Amelia

Hey are you free today? Wanna go shopping?

To: Amelia
From: Katie

I'm so sorry my parents have grounded me as I was home late after curfuee I'm so sorry talk later.

To: Katie
From: Amelia

Don't worry talk later.

Well that just ruined my plans didn't it. I decided I might as well just go down stairs and accept the glares from beau. I slowly walked down the stairs to be greeted by two very familiar voices.
"Amelia" skip yelled as he saw me and gave me a bear hug. I loved skip he was like one of those people you could just let everything out with and he would listen and care.

Then I saw james he had a huge smile on his face and hugged me so tight I really couldn't breathe.

When I looked up I was shocked to see that beau was smiling. I was expecting death stares and disapotting looks. I walked over to jai who looked like he had just woken up.
"Morning sis" he said
"Morning" I replied back. We sat there and embraced in a brotherly and sister hug until I herd james ask;
"What are we doing today then lads and lady". He smiled when he said lady which made me giggle.

"Well this lady isint going anywhere she is grounded for having the school call me up to say that you haven't been in any of your maths lesson for the past month. Explain.?" He stated like a father would. In sighed knowing that i would have to say something sooner or later.

" you know how bad I am at school and especially maths. You know I struggle and find it all confusing and mixed up. I hate it. And you know it" I stated clearly showing how annoyed I was at the fact the he was cross.

"Not a reason to skip though is it?" He stated I turned around and started walking up the stairs. The real reason why I was missing maths was that. The girl who really bullies me is in that class and my maths lessons are alway the lasted lesson of the day. She always says stuff like meet me behind the school at the the end I the day and because I'm with her in the last class of the day she always made sure that she repeated herself so that I wouldn't not turn up she would always hurt me. But she was clever she hurt me in places that weren't noticeable.

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