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Erika POV
We quickly grad our bag and walked out the classroom.
Jake- let's get food
Erika- yes! I'm aungry
Tessa- yo, Jerika calm down we going to get food calm the f**k down
Jake and I laughted then we walk into the canteen and lined up to get food. Everyone was looking at us. We let the rest of crew jump in line.
Julia- this is true friends
Jake- well, we actually only let you guys jump in cause
I step on Jakes foot
Jake- cause you guys are put best friends *under his breath* not cause we scare of Julia
Julia- what did you say?
Jake- I said... if I don't get food soon I might die
Kelly- Drama Queen
Jake- hey! Look at these Muscles
He showed off his Muscles to all of us, I just keep Staring at him. I didn't notice that he stop flexing his muscles.
Jake POV
I saw Erika Staring at me. She still was Staring at me once I finished flexing my Muscles.
Tessa- Erika...
Kelly- hello
Lo- hey!
Jake- is Erika Ann-Michelle costell there?
Julia- there's way to do this
Anthony- how
Tessa- no! Julia don't
Julia- this
Julia slapped Erika in the face
Erika- OW!
Julia- that's how it is done people
Tessa- all your answer for everything
Julia- and
TMZ- OMG! Someone just hit Erika Costell
Erika- * whispering to me * get your phone out of record this
I grad my phone and started to record just in time as they turn off the camera off then the guy said
TMZ- this is going to get lots of views and I'm going to get more money
They turn off the camera.
Erika- Nathan kade got your cameras
Kade and Nathan- yeah
Erika- record this
Kade and Nathan- sure
They turn on their cameras
Erika- yo! Turn off the camera
TMZ- no! I need money
Jake- turn off the camera
TMZ- no
Julia- she said turn the camera
TMZ- we not turning the camera
Julia- turn the f**king camera
TMZ- why did you hit Erika Costell?
Julia- we mess around hitting and kicking each other. It's called messing around
Anthony- get it in your head
TMZ- is that true Erika?
Erika- yes, now please turn the camera off and leave
TMZ- no
Jake- if you having notices this is a school we are all miners and it's legal to film kids under the age of 18
TMZ- we not filming you
Kelly- you are, causes we around Erika and in the frame of the camera
TMZ- we will edit you guys out
Chad- still not the point
Tessa- leave now please
TMZ- OMG! Tessa Brooks is here as well
Tessa rolled her eyes
Julia POV
Why can't people listen? Why do people don't f**king leave us alone? We have a life as well! Then they f**king telling to not to use violence! It's the only f**ing way to get rid of them!
Erika- leave now
TMZ- no
Julia- she said to leave so f**king leave now
TMZ- calm down little girl
Julia- what did you call me
TMZ- you just a little girl
Julia- do you want me to wipe that Smirk off your Pathetic face?
Camera man- dude let's go
TMZ- no, you can't tell me what to do
Julia- are you sure about that ugly?
TMZ- yes
Cloud gang- FIGHT FIGHT!
TMZ- fight me then
Julia- glad to
This is only way to get that smirk off his Pathetic ugly face and to get him to leave. I went to walk to him but someone pulled me back I saw it was Jerika
Julia- get off me
Jerika- no don't
Julia- why not?
Jake- you said yourself he's Pathetic
Erika- and you won't go to jail
Julia- why is everything about the law?
Erika- I wanted to be cop but I'm a model now but if this doesn't way out I'll be a cop
TMZ- that's a fact about Erika Costell she wanted to be a cop not a model
Erika- that's not what I said
TMZ- yes it was
Julia- she didn't
Erika- I've got the evidence to prove
TMZ- how?
Erika- one two three cameras
She said while pointing to Jake then kade then lastly Nathan
TMZ- no you don't
Erika- I do, a phone and two cameras
TMZ- you don't
Erika- I've got all the recording too prove it, don't make me show the whole world
Jake- just in click once we stop filming it's up on social mean
Anthony- think about your reputation
TMZ- you can't stop us
Julia- I know how to
Julia- shut it h*o
Alissa- don't call me that
Jake- she call Alissa cause it's true
Alissa- erm... it's not true
Jake- you f**ked my brother
Alissa- erm...
Jake- Oopsie, I just told them the truth
Lo- go
Kelly- go now
Julia- that's it
Erika- no
Erika pulled me back while Jake put his arm around my neck into a headlock. I bit his arm he Released arm off me and went over to the camera.
TMZ- I am so scare
Kelly- you should be
Everyone apart from Jerika and Kelly- you shouldn't of said that also you should of listen to us
I kick him in his privates. He fell to the floor
TMZ- ow!
Julia- what are you going to now little boy
TMZ- we leave now
He slowly got up and left with the camera man.
Julia- get your Pathetic a*s out of here
I walk back to them. It's always got rid of your angry.
Julia- now let's get food
Jake POV
Why!? Alway Violence! Why not Verbally!? But we Finally got food.
Jake- next time can we Verbally have a fight not physical fight
Julia- it Depends what mood I'm in
Lo- true
Mackenzie- moods do change
Lo- true again
Julia- who it is
Nathan- yeah it dose depends who it is
Julia- how the pissed that get me and how verbally it gets also if they provoke
Nelly- I would be the same
We was just in time! we finished eating just as the bell went.
Made- let's go to class
We laughed then walk to our next class.

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