Kylo steps forwards, shielding you.

"You are the reason that this happened?" Kylo gestures around at the room. Breathing heavily. You place a hand on his shoulder, supporting his point.

Finn stretches out his hands to him, taking a breath as if about to speak when Leia cuts in.

"We had to be sure, Kylo." She drops her hands and clasps them together, once again closing off. You feel Kylo tense under your hand.

"Look what you did!" He suddenly shouts, the sound exploding from him, spittle flies from his lips as he gestures around the room, his eyes wild.

He moves forward away from your touch. Instead, he stands so close to Leia she leans back slightly, Kylo's accusing finger waving in front of her face.

"You are the reason innocents are dead!" He takes a deep breath. "You murdered Ara..." He trails off, his voice dripping with poison, his chest still heaving.

Leia opens her mouth but this time Finn is quicker. Striding forwards he uses one hand to the chest of Kylo to push him away from Leia, and before he can react, raises his cast arm before you can shout. He swings back and strikes Kylo across the face. The impact causes Kylo to stumble, his head forced backwards. But Finn is already there, holding onto his shirt in his fist, keeping him upright.

Your warning escapes and you dart towards the two of them, but a sudden grip on your body makes you freeze.

"Let me go!" You scream, turning your head to Leia who has her hand outstretched, her face impassive. You struggle but manage nothing more than tiring yourself.

He stares into Kylo's eyes, daring him for a reaction, his face wrinkled in disgust. Kylo stays still, blood dripping down his chin in a rivulet. Finn growls and pushes him back, releasing his shirt.

At the same time, Leia's bonds around you are freed. you rush forwards to Kylo, but he gently pushes your hand away and wipes the blood streaming from his split lip away.

Finn is breathing heavily, cradling his hand and continuing to stare at Kylo.

"We volunteered Ren. This is on us." He spits, "And don't you dare talk about Ara like that."

"I... I'm sorry Finn." You whisper, your eyes pooling with tears as they roamed over the hurt on Finn's face.

"We didn't do it for you either." He continues, his eyes darting to you now, watching you. "We did it for the Resistance. For our friends."

He hisses the last word and you flinch.

"Finn." A warning comes from Leia, you look over at her, watching her stand next to Poe who is frowning.

Finn sighs angrily but doesn't relax his shoulders or unclench his fists.

"I am certain now that the bond is broken." She says, looking in turn to Kylo and then Finn. "We must get you to Luke, while Snoke is still weak."

Kylo avoids Leia's eyes but nods.

"We need you three and Lieutenant James to leave as soon as possible. If Snoke regains his power -"

"Wait, three?" Poe interrupted.

"Lieutenant James?" Kylo said at the same moment, both had looks of confusion on their faces.

"Yes, Three." Leia nodded at Poe before sighing and abruptly stopping. "And yes. Lieutenant James." Leia gave Kylo a strange look you couldn't interpret.

Poe jumped off the bed and steadied himself on Finn, who had stepped forward for him.

"Leia, you can't leave me, I'm the best pilot you ha..." Poe pauses, his voice suddenly not filling the room so well. "Had..." He slumps ever so slightly and Finn tightens his arm around his shoulder.

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