Chapter 6 - Darkness

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Emotions have become known as the one major thing that defines us as human beings. We see a tear, it's either associated with sadness or joy, given the circumstance. We see a person frown and curl their hands into fists, we immediately recognize that as anger. But when we see a person smile and laugh, we know that they are happy.

If you ask me though...

Humanity would be better off without emotions.


Because then we wouldn't feel the heartache that comes with love. We wouldn't feel the hurt and anger that comes with betrayal. We wouldn't feel the grief and sadness that comes with loss.

Some people may argue that emotions define who we are as human beings. That the good can outweigh the bad and can give us a better outlook on life.

I'm not human though. So for me...

That means that the bad always outweighs the good.

I gaze out into the valley below while I sit on the cliff, the forest behind me, hugging my knees to my chest and the occasional tear falling from my eyes.

I refuse to be anywhere near the pack today. I can't stand to see their looks of sympathy and pity as they know what today is.

The anniversary of my mother's death.

She's been gone four years. Four years of not hearing her joyous laugh, of not seeing her wide smile that can make anyone smile along with her.

And it's all my fault. If it hadn't been for my actions that night she would still be here...


My eyes widen in fear as I hear those gunshots and the footsteps that follow.

"Luna! We have to run!" My mother cried, grabbing my arm and hauling me behind her as she ran. I began to run with her as we raced for our lives, faster than a human can run. But we realized quickly that they were easily catching up.

"They can't be normal hunters!" I pant to my mother whose auburn hair was full of leaves and twigs from running through the dense forest.

"They're vampires Luna! Vampires that hunt werewolves for sport"

"But the King..."

"The king has no jurisdiction with these!" She stopped in a clearing and gripped my upper arms tight, making me wince.

"Listen to me Luna" her violet eyes stared intensely into mine, "I want you to run. Head back to the house and don't stop! I'm going to hold them off"

"What?! Mom, I can't leave you alone!" I all but scream. The footsteps grew ever closer.

"They're not after me now run!" She pushed me in the direction of the pack house. I stumbled but I listened.

And the last thing I remember is the sound of her footsteps in the opposite direction...

And the gunshots that followed...


I wipe away the tears that escape from my eyes. I wrap my arms back around my legs and rest my chin on my knees and continue to stare out over the valley.

It's not long before I hear footsteps come up behind me and out of the corner of my eye, I see Dex settle down beside me, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms crossed on top of them.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask.

"Whenever you get upset or just want to be alone, you sometimes come here or to one of your other hiding spots. I just chanced my arm you would be at the only one I knew about" he studies me closely, his eyes traveling over my body until they rest on the bandage wrapped around my left wrist.

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