Chapter 2- Learning

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Dex's wolf

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Dex's wolf

Casey C.~Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 and thank you for the lovely comments and for voting on that chapter.  I hope you'll enjoy this chapter as well and don't forget to press the star at the end to vote. Also if you guys can come up with cool book covers or have fan art of my story, please send them in to me. You can also go follow me on instagram at caseyc.episode for exclusive content. Now I hope you enjoy. 

I duck as the amber wolf launches at me. I swerve to the right and swipe my claws across his flank. He yelps in pain and then turns to face me. We circle each other, him deciding his next move and me watching his every pawstep.  

Other wolves line the clearing, sitting, watching but not interfering. They know this is my fight.

He bares his teeth and lunges for my front paw, jaw open. I jump back, his teeth seconds away from snapping onto my leg. I swipe my paw across his muzzle. He growls as my claws pierce his skin and once again lunges for me. But I jump over him, spiraling when he tries to get a hold of me and as I do, I rake my claws across his back. He yowls in pain and as I land, he spins and his paw hits me across the head.

I stumble back and shake my head, trying to clear it but he then launches himself at me and collides with me. We roll across the clearing, a vicious ball of fur, claws and teeth. The other wolves move as we roll across towards them, snarls and growls ringing from our mouths as we both try to get the upper hand and pin the other. 

He's stronger than me and I can feel he's slowly getting the upper hand. So I hook my back legs under his belly and kick him off, sending him skidding across the ground, dust flying up in his wake. I stand up and I watch him as he slowly gets up. This is a hard fight. My sides are heaving, my white fur caked with dirt, dust and blood.

I can't go on much longer. This fight is taking a lot out of me and it has my wolf on edge. If I'm not careful, my control might slip. I calm my thoughts, reigning in my wolf.

Suddenly, the other wolf lunges for my forepaw. 

But I'm too quick.

I jump back just as his teeth close around where my paw should have been. I swipe out a forepaw and hit him across the muzzle. He staggers and I use this as my oppurtunity to shoulder him onto the ground.

He lands with a thud on his side and tries to get back up but I place my paw on his neck, holding him. I raise my head up high, teeth bared, a wild snarl forming and lunge for his throat.

"Enough" calls a loud voice. I stop inches from his neck and glance to where my father leans against one of the trees lining the clearing. He walks towards us, stopping a few yards away and folds his arms, glancing from me to the other wolf.

I only remember I had him pinned when he starts squirming. I quickly take my paw off and sit back as he gets up, throwing a glare at me with his bright green eyes.

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