Jung Hoseok

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- last updated,, october 15th, 2018


"why do you love me?"

His heart broke every time he heard those words come out of Y/N's mouth.

"Why wouldn't I? You're beautiful, smart, kind... Where's all this coming from?"

A sigh escaped the curvaceous girl's lips as she stood in front of their full body mirror, gently grabbing at her fat.

"No, I'm not... Look at me! I'm not perfect like the girls you work with!"

Hoseok frowned at his girlfriend's words, before taking the mirror and replacing it with a picture frame.

"What are you doing?"

A confused look crossed Y/N's face, her brows furrowing in befuddlement.

"This mirror's clearly broken."

He replied, looking deeply into her eyes.

"What? Broken?"

"Yes, broken. It's not showing the real you; the beautiful you. Jagi, either the mirror's broken or you're blind. This,"

He started, grabbing her chubby sides softly,

"Only makes you look even more gorgeous. It's one of the many things I love about you!"

Y/N blushed at his statement and instantly captured his lips in a loving kiss.

"I don't deserve you..."

She whispered, a small smile evident on her features.

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