Min Yoongi

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- last updated,, october 15th, 2018


april 4th marked y/n and yoongi's 1 year anniversary and the beautifully round damsel couldn't be any happier!

for, you see, yoongi had planned the perfect date for them.

"jagi! jagi! wake up, my soft angel!"

y/n woke up in a startled fit, accidentally bumping heads with her adorable boyfriend as she did.


she exclaimed, her grogginess clear in her voice before she picked up her phone to check the time.

"sweetheart, it's 5 am!"

"i know, i know! just get dressed jagi~!"

and with that, her rapper boyfriend left the room in an unusually energetic stride, leaving a confused and sleepy y/n behind.

after getting dressed and having breakfast, yoongi took his gorgeously chubby girlfriend on a beautiful boat ride where he did nothing but pamper her with love and care.

they lounged on the deck, played pool and 'did the dance with no pants', before heading back to shore.

"where are we going?"

she asked, tilting her head to the side like a lost puppy.

"ah ah ah! it's a surprise!"

he giddily shushed her with a charming and adorable smile on his face.

after almost an hour and a half of driving around, the couple wound up at the top of a hill where a delicious array of food lay on a newly prepared and laid out picnic table.

the two eat dinner and then cuddle under a tree, watching the stars and enjoying each other's company.

well, that is...

until yoongi decided to stand up and kneel down in front of her.

"y/n, this last year has been the best year of my life. i love you with all my being. you're the most adorable, beautiful, funny and kind girl i have ever met and i'm the luckiest man in the world. that's why i want to keep you in my life forever... y/n... will you marry me?"

the instant those words left his mouth, she instantly sprung up and caught him in a tight and loving embrace.

"yes! a thousand times yes!"

she exclaimed loudly, happiness clear in her voice before she pulled him down into a loving and passionate kiss.

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