"Black and white Vans"

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The night was cold, dark and loud. People loiter themselves on the lawn surrounded by party cups, used condoms and cigarette butts. I gazed up at the night sky, only to see a few stars in sight. I was alone where I was sitting; but, thats how I liked it.

I sat on the curb, knees crossed near my friend's car and thought to myself, what am I doing here?

I then stood up brushed myself off and started to head towards the subway descending from my friends and the party. I didn't even bother to tell them I was leaving because they were probably passed out somewhere and could stay the night at this house, which was my other friend's brother's house. He was pretty cool. Since he was in college he could throw these big parties.

The city wasn't all that great in the night time, as you walked the silent deadly streets you could hear rats scuffling away, and you had to be careful which alley you walk into, homeless rapist and perverts lay among them.

I wasn't used to the city being this quiet, its probably because it was really late, but we all know when 8 a.m strikes its rush hour time.

It was half past 1 now, and I was still sober, gladly. I kicked at a small pebble in the street and stared down at my black and white vans. "Never realized they were that dirty." I shrugged.

I had finally reached the subway but as thought, it was closed. I rolled my eyes in realization.

To walk home is like half an hour away so I started on my journey, clutching tight to the pocket knife in my grey over-sized cuffed jeans.

I kept on moving towards home.

Halfway on the highway I spotted a car driving towards me, it's lights shone bright. I squinted my eyes while trying to make out my vision.

"What's wrong with this person they can clearly see me walking." I grumbled to myself. I kept on walking and as it came closer it slowed down.

Damn,it was a sexy one, a sexy car. It was a 2014 Lamborghini Huracan jet black. I loved cars since I was a kid. I never wanted doll houses and tea parties. I always stuck to toy trucks and race cars.

The car finally came to a stop when it reached me.

I looked down with curiosity in my eyes, as the window wound down. It was dark inside, so I took a step back.
"No need to be scared." A manly voice spoke. The inside light of the car then turned on.
My eyes sprung open in surprise, sexy car and hot bod. What a combo!

The dark eyes look up at me from under the light, "where you heading to?" I then walked closer to the car and peered in. "Heading North." I said with a little smile.

"Aren't you scared to be out here all alone?" He said with a smirk, "well not really alone now am I?" I flirted.

"I was heading down south for a party but I guess that's where your coming from this late?" He was right "But then again I can't leave such a beautiful creature alone out here." he flirted back.

"How kind of you." I smiled.

"I mean I'm a stranger but I would really appreciate taking you home."

I thought for a bit although I already had my answer in mind. "I mean why not, just remember I'm a trained athlete so if I gotta run these feet are already made for that." I assured him.

"You can trust me." he smiled.

Without second guessing I carefully hopped in the low vehicle, wasn't that easy seeing the doors went up and not sideways. I struggled at first but finally got through with it, I then watched as he turned around to safely bring me home... I guess.

Author's Note

My new book guys how is it??

Please Vote, Share and Comment as well cause I really appreciate it.

This finna be a good one trust me stick around to read what becomes of these two...;)

# Drenched

Also shout out to Rea-anna for supporting me...really appreciate it..

Just a kid who loves to write🙂

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