Churros and Water?

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Author's Note;

The dress...the dress???

Ouuu I love it💫

I gasped,  "Wait what!?"

His smile dropped once he saw that I was actually upset.

"You're spying on me!?" How does he knows about my school fees, and where I live and... "You're crazy." I yelled while poking a finger at him. "I'm crazy!" I yelled throwing my hands over my head.

"Taking rides from strangers, for all I know you probably have known me longer than before we met last night!"

"Hailey calm down." He demanded.

"And who says I have to comprehend?" I snapped back.

He sighed and walked towards me, "I did a little digging last night, and lets just say I found out a lot more about you than I intended to know. " I rolled my eyes. "But its not pity, there is something about you I wanna get closer to you." He continued, "and no I haven't known you existed since I saw you walking on that highway."


He was now holding both my hands looking down in my now glossy eyes, yes those were tears. I don't like people knowing about my situation. 

"Its like I'm drawn to you." He finished and waited for me to speak.

I gathered my thoughts.

"N-Nobody has ever been this generous to me." I smiled and look down at the piece of paper.

"Well lets just say its sort of a thank you. " he smiled back.

"For what?" I asked really confused.

"You kind of saved me from jail time last night." He stated scratching the back of his head."You remember that party I was heading to?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah well the cops busted it and I had way too many marijuana on me last night. "

My mouth gaped open in surprise. "Are you crazy Josiah." I was speechless. "Wow, so you're a drug dealer now." I teased.

He smirked, "Maybe, maybe not." We both giggled.

"So I have errands to run and you have a date to plan for right?" He said both hands on my shoulders.

"Yes indeed my good man." I smiled.

"Okay great, pick you up at eight." He gestured me towards the door.

As we stepped out he started to examine my body. "You really know how to make a girl feel uncomfortable. "  I stared back.

"Oh no just wanted to know if my girl Macy can get you looking more gorgeous than you already are." He said caressing his invisible beard.

"Uhm who's Ma-?"

"Ohhh there she is." A cheerful british accent came from behind.

"Macy meet Hailey, Hailey meet Macy. Now you two should be on your way right?" Josiah spoke before disappearing back into his office in a hurry.

"Yes my lord." Macy spoke. My lord? Way to throw some respect on his name.

I turned around to a beautiful dark- brown haired woman, she was a bit taller than me. As she walked closer I examined her, she had on a black beret hat, a plaid skirt and a pale pink top.

She stood right beside me before grabbing my wrist and gently pulling me down the stairs. Her whole body gave me a model vibe; she had a contagious smile.

She finally spoke when we were in the car. Her teeth where a hint of yellow but her smile still shown bright. Her beautiful green eyes squinted at me with excitement.

"Hi I'm Macy." Her British perky accent spoke. "I am one of Josiah's many assistants," one of many? How much does he need? "Also his  stylist, which is weird because that man will rock a T-shirt and a pair of jeans anywhere." I smiled as she turn out of the driveway.

"Now today I will be your stylist, helping you shop for the perfect outfit for tonig-"

She was cut off by what was happening infront of us.

"Bloody hell! You fucking arse! You just drove past a red light"

I couldn't stop laughing, she looked back at me with an even more serious face. I quickly dropped my smile, I was surprised when she started cracking up with laughter. "You should've seen you face," we laughed.

"So tell me Hailey," she started. "What's the buzz with you and Josiah?" Macy smiled, "are you two lovebirds?"

"Lovebirds? Ewww." I replied. I tried to hide the blush that was creeping up my face. "I mean, he is kinda hot. Cant deny that." I nodded,, "but we just met."

"Okie dokie."she smiled.

The rest of the drive was just us singing along to Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande songs, nice to see we have the same taste.

**At the Mall**

The first store we went in was filled with wedding dresses and wedding gowns, mainly dresses to be exact. We tried on a few but only settled for  three. We didn't find the perfect dress yet so we purchased the few we liked and headed to another store.


"Yesss, thats definitely, the one!" After a few more stores and more shopping, we finally settled on a dress we both adored.

I had on a silky pink dress that stopped mid- thigh, with fine straps, the cleavage hung loose and the back was pretty low.

I think Macy has a good idea what Josiah means when he says 'dinner'. Plus I like the dress too, I never really went for things this girly. Not only cause I'm a tomboy, but I really cant afford it.

We picked up a pair of sliver strap-up stilettos and head to the cashier.

Macy payed for everything. We struggled with our bags as we made our way to the food court.

I ordered a giant pretzel, with a slice of pizza and a strawberry slushy.

Macy ordered some churros and a water. She also has a slight model diet, she might just be one after all.

By time we were finished eating, shopping and exploring the mall the sun was going down. So she decided to drop me home so I could get ready for the date.

We said our goodbyes as I hopped out of her car and made my way up to my room.


Chapter 5 done✅

I hope you guys are enjoying the story.

Please leave a comment because it motivates me to write more.


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