Shadier Than A Damn Palm Tree.

Start from the beginning

Cha side eyes her, while Vapor's face stays completely emotionless.

"Oh fu-", Blue's hand grips my knee, nearly crushing it in his grasp, as he shoots me a look that clearly says shut up.

I turn away from him, only to come face to face with Henry, who is staring at me like a complete creep.

"You smell different" he comments.

Let me rephrase that, a complete fucking creep.

"I try to shower daily" I glare over at him as he continues to stare at me.

"I loved you" he stated confidently.

Blue snorts as he slowly sips his soup from his spoon.

I glare over at his smirking ass, "I'm highly fucking lovable" I hiss over at him.

"Admitting to myself that I loved you, felt like swallowing rusty nails" he replies in clear disbelief.

"Just because you were a bitch about your feelings doesn't mean everyone is" I snap back at him.

"Name three good qualities about yourself-" he starts.

Easy, "I'm highly-"

"-that aren't fucking delusional based" he cut me off laughing.

Fucking loser.

"If I suck so much, then why do you want me then, genius?" I smirk over at him, knowing I've got him.

"I must really hate myself deep down" he stated drily.

"Please, we both know you believe yourself to be the greatest thing since bread" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Sliced bread. And it's true. I'm fucking amazing" he shrugs nonchalantly.

I narrow my eyes at him, "then why do you like me?"

"We've already discussed I'm a masochist" he muttered.

I opened my mouth to reply, only to be cut off by Henry, "we were having a conversation" he stated tartly.

"And now you aren't" Blue cut in, annoyed.

"Magical, isn't it" I add on, giving Henry a dead look.

"We were made for each other, Katrina" he urged looking at me like he couldn't believe me.

"I've honestly thought of you no more than one time since you passed out at that creepy house. And it was because Blue dropped you neck first on the ground, and I thought to myself, that shit hurts, thank god that's not my neck" I deadpanned.

He actually had the balls to look offended.

"We would have been happy" he snapped.

"You groped me at a party when I was drunk, then over paid a mercenary to not kill me. I don't even know your last name" I rolled my eyes dipping into my soup.

"It's Thahoe" he stated testily.

I nearly fucking choked.

I looked up at him baffled, while Blue turned his head to actually cough out a fucking laugh.

"Thahoe?" I asked him as he nodded. "You want my name to be Katrina Thahoe?" I asked open mouthed.

Blue choked.

Cha was literally trying to keep her laughs in.

Even Ana had the nerve to be laughing at my ass.

"I can't even continue a conversation with you, right now" I put my hand up looking away from Henry's baffled face.

"I would treat you much better than Doom does, I could have made you perfect" he sighed leaning back like I was a lost cause.

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