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No this isn't Chapter thirteen... though I will be working on that. 

So since I all of the sudden have 2k views on my story... OH MY FUCKING GOD BTW THANK YOU... I thought I would tell yall just a little insight on who this wackadoo is. 

So I am Brianna Marie.. 

Currently 16 years old.. Turning 17 October 9th. 

I live in A SMALL VILLAGE, in Illinois.. like it isn't big enough to be considered a town. So yeah. There are less than 900 people, I believe. 

I am a sophomore in high school. 

I suffer from Anxiety Depression disorder which has been THE WORST obstacle I have ever had to face. And my whole heart goes out to those who suffer from one, or both, of those. I know how hard life can be. And I know how easy it seems to just give up, but I promise shit gets a whole lot better. Focus on the positive in your life and don't worry about the negative because life is short. So so so short. And you are wasting valuable time focusing on stupid shit. <3

I just went through a rough break up. We are on good terms right now... we talk everyday. Which isn't helping the healing process but I can't let him go exactly. So yup. 

I am "fluent" in ASL. But I mean, you can always learn more and more things, just like with any languages so you aren't really ever Fluent. But ya know. 

And idk... i have a full sister and half siblings. My real dad walked out on my mom... and my step dad is a drunk.

Idk if this was interesting... feel free to comment questions.

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