Chapter 10: Dance Trap

Start from the beginning

I held onto my books and sighed quietly.

"I wonder if it's because Lucas asked me to the dance and I said yes."

"He's probably having a rough day. I'll have Ulrich talk to him about it okay?"

She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back knowing that I could never be upset with her around. She had this affect on me when she smiled I just had a feeling things would be okay no matter what.

"So..I will be wearing my dress to this dance?"

"Yes of course. It is something formal and a dress is formal."

"Lucas said he pick me up around 7 so I'm guessing that's when the dance starts?

"It is, and it goes on until 10. He better pick you up though. You will need an escort of course."

I nodded and we continued to go to our classes.


Aelita and I grabbed our lunch and joined the rest of the group. I enjoyed the diverse types of food they had to serve at the school. I got to experience the different feels and tastes of them all. Aelita explained to me that the liquid we drank was water and that it was the healthiest for us which meant the best for our body. I was learning something every day either about socializing, history, biology or even about food. I enjoyed learning everything. Even with my memories i still hadn't socialized for years and everything seemed to have changed and evolved.

"After the dance is over with tonight we should head over to the factory and figure out what he's up too." Jeremy said.

I didn't feel like going back to Lyoko so soon I just begun to enjoy being alive again. Looking down I played with my food feeling uncomfortable.

"Well it depends on how late it is. If anyone wakes up sometime early in the morning and find us they'll inform Jim or investigate themselves." Ulrich put in.

"Ulrich's right, my parent shave been suspicious of my absences lately at school. Don't forget that one time the principal threatened to expel me for missing and being late too many times in my classes." Yumi said.

"Well, so that everyone doesn't get into trouble I'll go there myself then." Jeremy said finishing his croissant.

"I'll actually tag along Einstein. I have nothing else better to do, plus getting into detention isn't exactly new for me." Odd said looking past me and looked at Jeremy.

"So, it's decided then." Jeremy finished.

"Hey Akiko, I heard someone asked you to the dance last night." Yumi mentioned.

I peered quickly at her then back down at my food my face heating up from the sudden attention.

"Well..yeah someone did.."

"Lucas I'm guessing? He seems to like hanging around you." Yumi said.

"Where are you going Odd?" Ulrich asked.

I lifted my head up slightly. I noticed on his tray that he didn't finish his food again before he got up from his seat and walked to the garbage can and eventually leaving the cafeteria.

"What's his deal?" Yumi asked after Odd walked out.

"I'll tell you guys about it later." Ulrich informed them.

"Aelita I'm done...I'll see you all later." I said getting up.

I took my tray and dumped the remaining food in the garbage then left. I walked off the campus and sat by the nearest bush. Sighing deeply, I bent my legs pulling them to my chest and rested my head on them.

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