Chapter Fifteen

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The sun was shining brightly in the deep blue sky, not a single cloud could be seen. Just clear blue all around was what could be seen from Konohagakure. All was well, all was peaceful, most of the village citizens were at home in their gardens with their families or out working in their shops, smithys and bakeries. All the young Genin Shinobi were busting themselves with some training, since their comrade Naruto Uzumaki departed from the village for his three year training mission.

Sakura Haruno was in one of the training groups with her mentor Lady Tsunade, Legendary Slug Sanin and Fifth Hokage. They had just finished Sakura's medical jutsu training for today but Tsunade wanted to teach Sakura some combat moves. While she was doing that she was also destroying another training ground.

Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru are within their clan boundaries training with Kiba's crazy mother, Tsume and her canine companion Kuromaru who had  decided to use a very.... unique?Unique training method.

Shino Aburame however was on his own, training away out in the middle of the forest. He was testing out one of his new beetles, he had been breeding for a few weeks now. Over seeing all that was his father, Shibi watched from the distance noting down his sons, achievements and the skills he needs to work on more.

Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi were with their sensei Asuma Sarutobi. Ino, Shikamaru and Choji or Ino-Shika -Cho were currently working on their group attacks, and some more chakra skills in places they are needed.

Rock Lee and Tenten where somewhere around the Leaf village with his crazy sensei Might Gai. These two were also practicing their group attacks as well as stamina, both males running way ahead of their female companion who had collapsed miles from where they were.

Meanwhile in the Hyuga Compound Lady Hinata and Neji are currently working on Hinata's new training, Neji was helping her perfect her jutsu as her younger sister Hanabi excelled in the training with Hiashi their father.


Neji was helping his cousin with her new training methods but that was until Neji was ruthlessly rugby tackled to the ground painfully hard by one pissed female in blue.

"Neji-chan~" She sang creepily, with a terrifyingly strange grin on her face. Leading to the boy cringing, However he didn't let it show.

"What now Miwa!" The Hyuga muttered in an expressionless tone, pretending he wasn't shocked by her presence.

"So~ " The crazed girl began, her fingers twiddling themselves "when were you going to tell me about Naruto?" The pale eyed boy tensed up a little "Ne-ji-chan?"

"I – erm – what?" Neji nervously stuttered out, not being able to pronounce his words, Hinata gasped at her cousin with wide eyes.

'Big Brother Neji? Why are you talking like that?'

"Well the only thing I am wondering is why you all would allow him to go"  The tiny angry genin growled out "I mean the Akatsuki are after him, and do you know what will happen when they get him?" Neji didn't answer, instead he just shook his head.

Surprising Hinata even more "Well if they do get Naruto, they will KILL HIM YOU TOOL!" Miwa started out calmly but she finished with a scream in Neji's face and punched the top of his head. She sighed and then climbed off him and headed over to Hinata, who looked nervous as the Angry ravenette approached.

"Hey Hinata, sorry for interrupting your training! Good luck" The ravenette cheerfully greeted the Hyuga Princess, she hugged the nervous girl before she ran off into the unknown.....

Miwa  (under slow editing and slight reconstruction) Where stories live. Discover now