Bailee's Choice - The Same Dream?

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Bailee's POV-

The TARDIS materialises at Amy's and Rory's house quite by accident. We have to try and step over a small rockery to get out, and watching The Doctor navigate his way over it is extremely funny.

"Rory!" I shout over The Doctor's shoulders, grinning.

"Bailee. Doctor." Rory grins back. The Doctor points to the bottom of the TARDIS guiltily.

"I've crushed your flowers."

"Oh, Amy will kill you." Rory's grin gets bigger, clearly imagining The Doctor getting a gruesome end via Amy. I have to admit, it's an extremely entertaining thought.

"Where is she?" The Doctor asks.

"She'll need a bit longer."

"Whenever you're ready, Amy." The Doctor calls inside, and Amy pokes her head round the door, before waddling out. I shriek, before rushing over to her and giving her a careful hug, and we giggle like anything.

"Oh, way-hey! You've swallowed a planet." The Doctor exclaims.

"I'm pregnant."

"You're huge." He shouts.

"Yeah, I'm pregnant."

"Look at you. When worlds collide." He grins.

"Doctor, I'm pregnant."

"Oh, look at you both. Five years later and you haven't changed a bit, apart from age and size." He gestures to Amy's swollen stomach.

"Oh, it's good to see you, Doctor." Amy grins.

"Are you pregnant?" Amy and I both roll our eyes simultaneously.

"Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever." The Doctor observes, as we walk through the streets. Rory grins smugly.

"It's Upper Leadworth, actually. We've gone slightly upmarket."

"Where is everyone?" The Doctor asks.

"This is busy. Okay, it's quiet, but it's really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their nineties." Amy says happily.

"Well, don't let that get you down."

"It's not getting me down." Amy says indignantly.

"Well, I wanted to see how you were. So did Bailee. You know me, I don't just abandon people when they leave the TARDIS. This Time Lord's for life. You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily." He grins happily.

"Hmm." Amy thinks. Nothing gets past her. "You came here by mistake, didn't you?" I laugh out loud at The Doctor's face. Amy might not always be the cleverest in a room but that doesn't mean she's not the sharpest.

"Yeah, bit of a mistake. But look, what a result. Look at this bench. What a nice bench. What will they think of next?" The Doctor rambles on awkwardly, making Amy and I laugh again. "So. What do you do around here to stave off the, you know-"

"Boredom." Amy interjects flatly, before The Doctor can say it.

"We relax." Rory says, as though it should be obvious.

"Relax." I repeat, not quite imagining Amy relaxing.

"We live. We listen to the birds." Rory continues.

"Yeah, see? Birds. Those are nice." Amy backs up her husband, guessing by the exchange of looks The Doctor and I share what is going through our thoughts.

"We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the TARDIS days, did we?" Rory says happily. The bird is extremely loud.

"Oh blimey, my head's a bit. Ooo. Er, no, you're right, there wasn't a lot of time for birdsong back in the good old-" but I don't hear the end of The Doctor's sentence as I black out.

I wake up on the console floor and jump up, The Doctor apparently having just done the same. Short haired Rory and non-pregnant Amy enter from another room in the TARDIS.

"Days. What? No, yes, sorry, what? Oh, you're okay. Oh, thank God. I had a terrible nightmare about you three. That was scary. Don't ask. You don't want to know. You're safe now." The Doctor rambles, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, okay." I say confusedly.

"That's what counts. Blimey. Never dropped off like that before. Well, never, really. I'm getting on a bit, you see. Don't let the cool gear fool you. Now, what's wrong with the console? Red flashing lights. I bet they mean something." The Doctor rambles again.

"Er, Doctor, I also had a kind of dream thing." Rory pipes up.

"Yeah, so did I." Amy agrees, and I nod too.

"Not a nightmare, though, just, er, we were married." Rory explains.

"Yeah. In a little village." Amy adds.

"A sweet little village, and you were pregnant." Rory continues.

"Yes, I was huge. I was a boat."

"So you had the same dream, then? Exactly the same dream?" Rory asks. Amy looks mock outraged.

"Are you calling me a boat?!"

"And Doctor, you were visiting." Rory changes the subject.

"Yeah, yeah, you came to our cottage." Amy suddenly turns and smirks at me. "And you were with him, Bailee." I feel my cheeks flare up. I know Amy knows that somethings going on between The Doctor and I, but considering I don't even know what's going on between us, she can't know too much. It was different in the dream though, we were actually a thing, which we're definitely not in real life. I glare at Amy for making my brain overload.

"How can we have the same dream? It doesn't make any sense." Rory thinks.

"And you had a nightmare about us. What happened to us in the nightmare?" Amy turns to The Doctor.

"It was a bit similar, in some aspects." The Doctor starts.

"Which aspects?"

"Well, all of them." He admits. I sigh.

"You had the same dream." I say. The Doctor looks at us sheepishly.


"You said it was a nightmare." Amy accused.

"Did I say nightmare? No, more of a really good mare. Look, it doesn't matter. We all had some kind of psychic episode. We probably jumped a time track or something. Forget it. We're back to reality now." But I can hear a bird singing, getting louder and louder.

"Doctor? If we're back to reality, how come I can still hear birds?" I ask. The Doctor looks slightly worried. Amy backs me up.

"Yeah, the same birds. The same ones we heard in the-" but she's cut off as I feel blackness closing in on me once more, however this time, I see Rory, Amy and The Doctor also falling to the floor in a deep sleep.

"Dream. Oh! Sorry. Nodded off. Stupid. God, I must be overdoing it. I was dreaming we were back on the Tardis." Amy finishes the sentence that she started in the TARDIS. The Doctor just checks his braces and walks away. "You had the same dream, didn't you?"

"Weren't we just saying the same thing?" I ask.

"But we thought this was the dream, didn't we?" Rory asks back.

"I think so." Amy looks thoughtful. "Why do dreams have to fade so quickly?"

"Doctor, what is going on?" I turn to him.

"Is this because of you? Is this some Time Lordy thing because you've shown up again?" Amy also turns to him, albeit a slight more accusational than I was.

"Listen to me. Trust nothing. From now on, trust nothing you see, hear or feel." The Doctor warns us.

"But we're awake now." Rory says confusedly, patting himself down as though checking he wasn't a ghost.

"Yeah. You thought you were awake on the Tardis, too." The Doctor reminds him. Amy looks at him strangely.

"But we're home."

"Yeah, you're home. You're also dreaming. Trouble is, Bailee, Rory, Amy, which is which? Are we flashing forwards or backwards? Hold on tight. This is going be a tricky one."

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