Vampires of Venice - Bitten By A Vampire

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Bailee's POV -

Carlo leads Amy and I up a stone staircase, and as we walk, we pass a lot of pale young women, one of whom I vaguely recognise, I think she may be Isabella, but I'm not too sure. We walk past them and into a room with several beds, clearly where we are going to stay for the next few hours. I look up and gasp involuntary, as the room is roofed by a large, beautiful, ornately decorated dome.

"There are clothes on the bed. Get changed and wait here." Carlo orders.

"Blimey. This is private education, then?" Amy asks, looking around. No one replies as Carlo leaves with all but one of the girls, who sits shyly looking at us. I feel like it'd be better if I do the talking here.

"Hey. Hello, I'm Bailee, and this is Amy. What's your name?"


"Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but I need you to tell me what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?" I ask gently.

"They er, they come at night." She starts, nervous. "They gather around my bed, and they take me to a room with this green light and a chair with straps, as if for a surgeon."

"What happens in there?" Amy interjects, curiosity winning over her.

"I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax." Isabella replies, and Amy and I just look at each other.

After changing into the clothes that we were told to change into, Amy and I go exploring, in hunt of the trapdoor that we were to open to let The Doctor in. Amy has our only candle, and we can barely see a foot in front of us. The basement is damp, and smells of *gulp* rotten flesh, although I hope that it's an ancient smell that has lingered for years and just hasn't gone away, and isn't recent. We find the cover of the trapdoor to the tunnel, and in the limited light available, manage to pull back the metal bolts, ready for The Doctor. We start to leave, high fiving at our success and don't notice until it's too late, that Carlo is blocking our path. We walk into him, Amy dropping her candle.

"Control yourself, child!" Rosanna shouts at Amy, as she struggles and wriggles violently in the eerie green light in Carlo's grasp.

"Take your hands off me!"

"Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work on me?" Rosanna screeches. Amy continues to struggle, but I stop, I would rather save my energy if The Doctor finds us. When he finds us. "Where are you from? Did you fall through the Chasm?" She demands at us, before Francesco makes a suggestion.

"Mother this is pointless. Let's just start the process and" but he can't continue as Rosanna interrupts.

"Hold your tongue, Francesco. I need to know what this girl is doing in a world of savages with psychic paper." She turns to us. "Who are you with? You see, I scarcely believe your idiot brother sent you. What are you doing in my school?!" A chair is brought forward into the eerie green light, and we can see a drip bag hanging from a hook above it. Amy and I audibly gulp.

"Okay, I'll tell you. I'm from Ofsted." Amy jokes. There is a time and a place for joking, and being surrounded by vampires is not one. Rosanna laughs maliciously.

"Put her in the chair."

"No!" I shout, struggling once more. No point in saving my energy for a rescue if nothing is there to be saved.

"Take your hands off me!" Amy argues, kicking and fighting, before being fastened into the chair. The vampires set up bags of blood around Amy, whilst Francesco holds her head, and Rosanna leans in.

"Oh, make sport of me, will you? Tease me as if I were your dog? Well, this dog has a bite, girl." Rosanna whispers in Amy's ear.

"Doctor!" Amy shouts desperately, at the same time I shout

The Doctor And Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें