The Eleventh Hour - I'm The Doctor. Basically, Run

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Bailee's POV-

We walk out onto the roof behind The Doctor, who was wearing a stolen shirt with several stolen ties draped around his neck, unable to decide which was the 'snazziest'. He didn't look dangerous or threatening as he walked towards the alien ship.

"So this was a good idea, was it?" I ask.

"They were leaving. It's always a good idea to invite back scary murderous aliens." Amy interjects sarcastically. I love her so much, she's the type of best friend everyone wants.

The Doctor starts talking, first to Amy, then to the aliens. "Leaving is good. Never coming back is better. Come on, then! The Doctor will see you now." He shouts to the sky. The alien ship comes down towards us, the huge eye positioned underneath looking directly at The Doctor, scanning him.

"You are not of this world." It states.
"No, but I've put a lot into it." The Doctor replies, strolling casually around the roof. He turns to me and grins slyly. "Oh, hmm, I don't know. What do you think?" He asks, looking nonchalantly through the selection of ties around his neck. He really knows how to get on my nerves, don't worry about the alien ships that were threatening earth a few minutes ago, because The Doctor has a more important matter on his hands, which tie he should wear! I just roll my eyes at him and stare pointedly at the spaceship, as he discards a tie, chucking it at Rory.

"Is this world important?" It says.

"Important? What's that mean, important? Six billion people live here. Is that important? Here's a better question. Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? Well, come on. You're monitoring the whole planet. Is this world a threat?" The Doctor shouts up at the ship. He chucks another tie backwards, this one landing draped over my head. I just throw it at Rory.

The spaceship projects a huge slideshow of pictures, flicking through tat thousands of pictures per second. The Doctor turns his head back towards me, mouthing 'earths history' as the pictures were flickering too fast for me to see properly.

"No." The Atraxi or whatever it's called says in reply to The Doctors question. He passes another tie backwards, this one falling on Amy's feet.

"Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?" The Doctor asks again.

"No." The Atraxi replies.

"Okay. One more. Just one. Is this world protected? Because you're not the first lot to come here. Oh, there have been so many." The slideshow switches to what I can only presume was more aliens. Thousands of them. "And what you've got to ask is, what happened to them?" The Doctor continues. One by one, 10 pictures of men's faces appears projected into the air. Then, an 11th one appears. The Doctor steps into the image, having finally decided on a bow tie. His face fits perfectly into the image.
He looks at me quickly and winks. "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically, run" he announces. The ship backs up extremely fast and disappears off into space, hopefully never coming back again. Amy and I cheer, earning a slightly cocky grin from The Doctor. We hear a faint materialisation sound, and The Doctor pulls a glowing key from his pocket, his grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Is that it? Is that them gone for good? Who were they?" Amy asks. But there's no one to answer and the roof door swings shut behind us.

Amy, Rory and I run all the way back to Amy's house, in an attempt to get to The Doctor before he disappears again, but our luck runs out and we skid into the garden where his TARDIS was, in time to see it fading out of view.

The Doctors POV -

I run up to the TARDIS and give it a huge grin. It's finally ready to fly again, and I think I'll just take it for a quick spin before coming back and asking Amy and Bailee if they want to come explore the stars with me. "Look at you. Oh, you sexy thing! Look at you." I cry as I run into the TARDIS and press a few buttons.

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