The Eleventh Hour - The Return Of The Doctor

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The Doctor's POV

'Five minutes. Gotta do this in five minutes. I can do this' I think, and I rush around preparing the TARDIS. 'Nailed it' I land. Then it hits me, what happened to Prisoner Zero. I rush out of the TARDIS doors shouting like a maniac. But I can sense that somethings off, however I have no time to waste as I rush in to save the lives of the two girls that where currently the only faces that this new face had seen. "Bailee!" I shout. "Bailee! Amelia!" I ran to the front door and flung it open. " Prisoner Zero's here. Prisoner Zero is here! Prisoner Zero is here! Do you understand me? Prisoner Zero is here!" I shout. I hear a floorboard creak and then to see who's there. "Bai-" I'm cut off as I'm knocked unconscious by a huge chunk of wood.

As I regain consciousness, I hear the sounds of a woman's voice talking. I lift my head to see a very ginger lady in a micro-skirted police uniform holding a radio.

"White male, mid twenties, breaking and entering. Send me some back-up. I've got him restrained." She says. I start to move and she points a cricket bat in my face. "Oi! You, sit still."

"You hit me with a cricket bat?!" I exclaim. Well, there's a first time for everything I guess.

"You were breaking and entering." She says haughtily, clearly very annoyed.

I try to move again but discover that I am handcuffed to the radiator. "Well, that's much better. Brand new me. Whack on the head, just what I needed." I say brightly.

She doesn't look happy. "Do you want to shut up now? I've got back up on the way."

I realise somethings wrong. "But your a police woman."

"And you're breaking and entering. See how this works?" She replied.

"But what are you doing here? Where's Bailee? Where's Amelia?" I panic. Something must've happened to them.

"Amelia Pond?" The police woman asks, a strange expression crossing her face, like a sort of internal ache.

"Yeah, Amelia. And Bailee. Little Scottish girl and her friend. Where are they? I promised them five minutes but the engines were phasing. I suppose I must have gone a bit far. Has something happened to them?" I question her, panic really starting to settle in.

"Amelia Pond hasn't lived here for a long time" the police woman said quietly.

"How long?" I cautiously ask.

"Six months" she says, looking me in the eye. She's hiding something.

"No. No. No. No, I can't be six months late. I said five minutes. I promised. What happened to them? What happened to Bailee and Amelia?" I demand.

The woman just looks away, and picked up her radio. She sighs slightly. "Sarge, it's me again. Hurry it up. This guy knows something about Amelia Pond and Bailee Hope."

Now I know something is wrong. "I need to speak to whoever lives in this house right now." I demand. A pair of feet appear at the top of the stairs, and softly pad down. A beautiful woman, with long flowing red hair, like the police woman but a softer, more rare shade, and with blue eyes as sharp and as piercing as diamonds. She keeps her head down and lets her hair fall over her face.

"We live here" She says softly, her voice like music.

"But you're a police woman" I say, addressing the first woman.

"Yes, and this is where I live. Have you got a problem with that?"She retorts.

"How many rooms?" I ask, catching both of them off guard.

"I'm sorry. What?" The beautiful one says, confused, finally lifting her head but still not meeting my eyes.

"On this floor. How many rooms on this floor? Count them for me now." I ask.

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