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Chapter 8

"My dress ... it's on fire !" I tried to speak but couldn't , I just couldn't find my voice.

Mia do something !

Just when I was about to take action my eyes fluttered open at once, I was back in my room, taking deep breaths to calm myself.

It's ok it was just a dream. I calmed myself.

I probably fell asleep whilst studying. After a while I finally moved from my bed to the dining room.

"Kate called. " Mom said while her and dad watched the news intensely.

"Really ?!"I couldn't help but smile. I really missed her. I've been meaning to call her but never knew what to say. I mean what am I supposed to say 'sorry for being a bitch'? Therefore I never called .

"Yup." dad continued, his eyes were glued on the tv screen.

"Um.. ok .." I ran happily to my room looking franticly for my phone.

Where is it ?

You know what? I'll just go to her house it isn't that late, besides her parents won't be back till midnight.

"Mom? Dad? "I shouted from my room. "Can I go to Kate's? I'll just go for a walk-" I was cut off by dad's instant reply.

"Yeah yeah '' Effectively shushing me.

Well that was easy...

I promised myself never to smoke or drink. But now I just had to. These feelings were too intense. I was burning from within!

I took one long drag from the recently lit cigar and threw it to the ground .

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath . I was really nervous to the point where I would shudder every once in a while... which was very rare...The problem is that this isn't one of our usual 'one day' fight, it was a 1month fight ...I haven't spoke to her since the day I told her to leave my house. Part of me knew she would call back... We're best friends and that's what best friends do fight and makeup...right? I chuckled lightly remembering how close we used to be. The three of us - Me, Kate, Ryan - taking this whole world ... and now I'm just alone walking these empty roads with nothing in hand but my fragile soul.

The wind hit my brown cascading hair. It was getting chiller and darker by the second, luckily Kate's house wasn't far enough from my street. Again the wind pinched my ears, as I hugged myself for warmth.

Almost there .

It's windy just like last spring .. remember?

And it hit me... Ryan...he was the only person who had witnessed the incident of spring 2012... He promised to keep it a secret but will he? Soon it would be a year from that incident. A rush of memories cascaded with in me.

My train of thought was broken by the noise of twigs snapping, I started to look around.

"I'm here." The voice was next to me.

"Fuck !" I said in relief when I saw that it was Nick.

"Are you following me?" I stopped and asked furiously. The fear started to crawl into my skin.

Was he ?

"Now, now, not everything is about you babe.. " he held a tight smirk with a gaze that lit those dark skies. "But... I didn't know you smoked?" he arched his eyebrows mocking my furious features.

He was behind me all this time ..How come? I don't know how but I was able to hear an ant crawling along the ground, but him ? Not a sound.

"I'm pretty good huh?!" Its like he read my mind, but that remark just made me want to smash my fist through his skull

Just walk away .And I did, but he just continued to talk like I was next to him.

"So you're just going to walk away on me?!" I can tell he's trying so hard to hold his laugh .

What the fuck is up with him? One day he's all worried and the next he's an utter douche bag .But I'm glad he's back on his villain role. It felt rather comforting. At least something stayed the same ...

"Dick head" I almost couldn't tell if I said that or thought that.

"Yes that's it." he was next to me again.

Shit he's fast!

I picked up my pace.

Almost there!

"I'm really fast so you need to go faster than that or stop and have a chat with me."He sounded so serious and that made me want to laugh.. but the anger just consumed me .

"A chat with you?! " I turned to his face and spat abruptly.

"Nick I do not know if you got your memo but WE.ARE.NOT.FRIENDS! Besides the fact that you ruined my life and now you want to chat?!"I threw my hands in the air and a loud chuckle left my lips.

This is pathetic!

"I know! But we need to talk. " that tone scared me.

Oh No ! Ryan is he ok ?

"Yes. Just listen ... " his piercing gaze made me want to run away. His look made me feel like he was a hunter and I was the prey.

"Look ! You're like me ... I mean like us so it's hard to control you."

"Fuck off!" I spat and started to walk away but he just appeared I front of me.

"Just listen." those words stood sharper than knifes.

I wanted to run far far away from him...

Now his hands on both my shoulders. "You chose this... I'm sorry.." And just as I was forming the words in my mouth I saw the world flash before me .. Falling dull slowly and then all at once as a rush of aching sensation made its way from my skull to every inch of my body and then there was utter darkness.

And just like that I'm gone...

Lead Me To Your Heart ...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora