Chapter 1:LMTYH

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Prologue :

Mia thinks that her life is chaotic because of what she did last spring, is it?


Nick thinks that Mia needs to break-up with her boyfriend, should she?


But what happened last spring and why is Nick so concerned with Mia's love life? I guess some things are best if kept secret ... Shhh !

Chapter 1:


"Mia! Wait up!" my friends called as they rushed forward to catch up to me in the hallway. I sighed, but stopped walking. I quickly rearranged myself so that they did not portray the sadness that in been in my eyes only moments before as I quickly reviewed the contents of my life in my head. 


Forget it Mia  ! It's been a long time now!



"Amazing day today, right?" one of my girlfriends, Stacey, said to me once she was by my side. I smiled and nodded, but kept walking. It felt nice to have all these people around me, but I just feel like they are detached from me .. I don't know ..  These aren't the normal things a teenager thinks about, I know; but with my past, it was hard not to doubt everyone else's motives.




Nick, Stacey's newest romantic interest, joined us then, and grabbed Stacey's hand. "What's up, babe? Want to do something later?" he slurred, and I glanced at his physical appearance. His eyes were bloodshot, and though his body was muscular and broad, it wasn't stable, and he stumbled often. He was hung-over from last night's immense drinking, and he was not hiding it well.




He removed his hand from Stacey's, and started massaging her shoulders and neck while we waited for the rest of my group to join us. I looked over at the two of them, a look of slight disgust on my face. His hands massaged her shoulders, tracing her body aggressively. Stacey giggled at each squeeze of his fingers, clearly wanting more. How could she enjoy his touch? I found just the sight of it sickening, and I wasn't even involved.

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