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epilogue: the ultimate comeback

"boys, we're gonna have a showcase tonight for MAMA so prepare yourselves." bang pd announced

"ye, pd nim!" they all said in chorus

"oh, and also, there will be a few very important people there so make sure that your performance is as best as possible."

"we will do our best, pd nim" namjoon spoke for the others as well

the members and staff hustled the whole day as practices and rehearsals were scheduled one after the other, leaving no room for breaks, except for their 15-minute lunch break.

4:30 PM

the boys were panting and sweating as the end of their practice marked the tenth hour of their rehearsal.

they, themselves, knew that it would be very risky to even try to do ten more minutes, so disregarding who might come up and scold them, the leader took it to himself to give themselves a break. after all, they wouldn't want another mishap. the last thing they would want is to see another member not open their eyes for good.

namjoon gave bangtan thirty minutes to sleep before their next agenda of visiting jin's grave at the cemetery before heading to the studio.

as expected, the managers were angry at namjoon's decision, but after hearing his explanation, they decided to let it slide as they too wouldn't want anything bad to happen to the members.

after having added thirty minutes of sleep to their three hours of sleep earlier this morning, the members got dressed with their wives and children and headed off to the cemetery.

"jin hyung!! jaljineyo??" taehyung said as cheerfully as possible in front of the tombstone which read "kim seokjin"

"hyung, please guide us today." hoseok said with his eyes closed

"help us give our dear armys our one hundred percent." yoongi followed

"help us so that we don't mess up." jimin said after

"help us perform in the best shape." namjoon

"watch us from above." jungkook said looking at the sky

it was now 5:30 and the sky was blue with gradient of orange starting to form

everyone said their goodbyes and headed off to the studio

thanks to seoul's wide roads, the ride to the studio was no less than fifteen minutes, which wasn't bad at all.

they got their makeup retouched upon arriving and right before coming up stage, seeked for courage from their now extended family.

as they were on stage, it felt like fire. they could hear the sound of their hearts thumping against their chest and the screaming of armys becoming more intense, even with their in-ears on.

the music starts playing and a rush of adrenaline swept through their entire body. they were getting more and more excited, but still remaining the synchrony present in each and every one of them.

they were almost at the end of their showcase and it still felt like fire and their hot costumes weren't helping, either. though the entire place was air conditioned, it felt as if they were walking in the sahara desert. jungkook felt as if he was making intense eye contact with armys and while doing so, he felt as if he had caught a glimpse of something—someone very much familiar. but it was impossible so he just ignored it.

drops of sweat fell on the floor as they were bathing in it by the time their showcase ended. soon after, armys left the studio and it was completely empty. or so they thought.

as the boys were about to head backstage, they heard clapping sounds coming from the back of the studio. they turned their heads around as the clapping was getting louder and louder while the face of the person was becoming more and more clearer as light shone on him.

until finally, they were able to see him.

they felt as if their eyes were playing tricks on them. they simply couldn't believe it. it was so impossible.

"b-but... but i– i thought" tense jungkook started stuttering

"it's been a year. jal jinesseoyo?"

wings || kim seokjinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن