chapter 8

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"okay, everyone. make sure to turn in your papers on monday. i'll see you, then. class dismissed." i announced

i glanced at my wristwatch

oh, shoot. i'll be late.

i grabbed my bags and went to my car and drove as fast as i could out of the university

i'm 10 minutes late. they're gonna be so mad.

i got off my car as soon as i finished parking and immediately ran to the stairs. no time for elevators.

i opened the door to see them glaring at me

"i'm sorry i'm late. i didn't get to finish the lessons quickly." i explained

"so just because you're an english professor now, you're not punctual anymore? wow namjoon-ah. it's just been a year." hoseok said

"don't listen to him, hyung. he also just got here." jimin said and hit him in the head


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