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"They say, "Look before you leap." So look. But do not look for too long. Do not look into the void of uncertainty trying to predict each and every possible outcome, to evaluate every possible mistake, to prevent each possible failure. Look for the opportunity to leap, and leap faster than your fear can grab you. Leap before you talk yourself out of it, before you convince yourself to set up a temporary camp that turns into a permanent delay on your journey into your own heart."
― Vironika Tugaleva

DATE: APRIL FORTH, 2018 /// 9:23 PM


"Hello, you'll probably know me as Stiles Stilinski or Captian Mieczyslaw." Many courses of hellos and agreements came around the room, filled with over 10 people. "Today is a new day for me and for you." Stiles looked at some of the Men and women in the room.

Instead of pursuing in a police academy after highschool. Mischief (Stiles) knew being an officer wasn't going to satisfy him for long. Taking a risky chance without Noah- his father knowing, Stiles signed up for the Airforce. Call him a flake, for leaving to go into a dangerous area of work. But being in the police force is just as dangerous as the Airforce. Well- a small percentage of being dangerous like being in the Airforce. He never really told anyone that he left to the Airforce, because he didn't really leave on the best of terms with the pack. Even if they were supportive of him, taking a career as a officer. They couldn't stand but think he ditched them in the dirt. Leaving everything they had together behind. Which was utter- bullshit, if you asked Stiles.

"The General left me to give you all these news. Due to him having a meeting. In two weeks from now Unit A-63 will have their break. As you know this break lasts for one whole month. And after us other units will take this break." Stiles gave his unit the best news, being able to visit their family and friends after so long.

Unit A-63 hadn't had a break from duties for 3 years. Due to them being based at a Zero populated island off the coast of Japan. Their connection had been cut off with headquarters after an year and the Unit was left to fight for themselves as it seems "terrorists" infiltrated their base. Fighting for a year and a half, they finally got in contact with headquarters and reported to them to bring backup. A ticket way home for the 10+ members. Headquarters sent that back up and after 3 months of recovery, the group was able to go home.

Unit A-63 was filled with engineers pilots, Army members. Basically a Unit able to go on many alternate missions around the globe. But Unit A-63 wasn't just different for having a verity of soldiers from different branches of military. This Unit was made for un-natural things, for supernatural type of things. Surprisingly the military knew about the supernatural. Well the higher ups did. Normal police or lower levels of military members didn't know.

In this unit, it consists of mostly werewolves, that being half of their members in a group of 12. The rest were oddly different.

One was a Löwenmensch, gave Stiles a heartattack seeing he had a bad meeting with Löwenmenschs because of Garrett Douglas. Why were there such things of werewolf-half-lion people anyways? The world may never know.

Two members were actually Vampires. With fangs and all, but they feasted on animal blood and only had human blood once a month to keep there instincts down. (Basically based off vampires from Vampire Daries).

A Caladrius, a white bird with healing powers. A Caladrius is able to use a type of healing spell to bound its body in a humans to stay hidden to the world. At first Stiles hated this Caladrius for possessing this womens body, until he learned the two were coexisting with each other.

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