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I opened my eyes and scan my surroundings, I was expecting to be surrounded by corpses but was soon disappeared when I saw my old room when I was a kid, I ran to the bathroom and stared my reflection in the mirror and got greeted by my 9 year old me.

I stood there for a few minutes staring at my reflection inwardly besting myself that this was only a dream.

I pinched myself and felt the stringing sensation on my cheeks, eyes swelling as tears cascade from my eyes , I could see the once innocent me in front of the mirror only to be replaced by a broken one.

I went back to my room, wiping my tears away as I walk. I could hear the rain dancing from the roof and stared outside my window, watching my rain drops racing .

I was in deep thought that I didn't notice my pops standing on my door frame, calling my name several times.

I looked up at him as the fresh though of his bloodied corpse lingered indie my head. I prevent myself from crying and masked it with a wide grin.

I greeted him smiling and laughing like nothing happened, he asked me if I wasn't going to school and told me it was the first day and I wouldn't want to missed it out.

I nodded and quickly change my clothes  and headed downstairs.

I quickly gobble up my food and grabbed my umbrella bidding my pops goodbye before leaving the house.

If this is a gift then I wouldn't want to waste such a rare gift.

'And this time I won't let anything or anyone to harm him.. Just wait for me, Me Amore '

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