Teasing The Bad Boy [6]

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Chapter Six

I woke up in the morning laying on the floor in my living room, I was completely naked. Tattoo boy was laying next to me from last night. Our clothes were scattered all around the living room, I sat up making the blankets falling off me, leaving me nude. I stood up and began collecting my clothes from around the room. 

"Now, tell me, why are you getting dressed?" Tattoo boy asked leaning up on one elbow. "No round two?

I sighed, wearing only my shirt I sat down on the couch and put my elbows on my knees, and glanced down at him. "I don't even know your name."

"Dash." He said rubbing his hand through his long blonde hair. "Yours?"

"Alison," I answered. "Listen, I'm not looking for anything serious, " I leaned back on the couch. 

"Good." He smirked, "Cause neither am I." He grabbed my arm and pulled me on top of him, a giggle leaving my mouth without my permission, "Let me take your clothes back off." He put his hand under my shirt and took it off for me again.

I let out a sigh, as I shut the door behind Dash. He was actually pretty cool, and it's not like he was that much older, only 3 years. I wonder what Chase thought about it all. I mean it's not like he actually liked me or anything, he just wanted me in bed. Right?

Someone knocked on my door and I got up to open, behind the door was Chase. To tell you the truth I was shocked to see him standing there. "Chase?" I asked sounding surprised, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He completely ignored me and barged in, "Who the fuck was that guy?" He was running his hands through his hair, which I had to say was very attractive. 

I smirked and leaned up against the wall by the door, "What's it to ya? Why do you even care who I see?"

Chase threw his head back and laughed, "Why do I care? I don't even know Ali." He punched the wall on either side of my head, he fell in really close, close enough to kiss. "All I know, is I want you." He was breathing slowly. His breath stunk like old booze, he's probably been drinking all night.

I laughed, "Don't lie to me Holt, I know what you want, and I'm not it."

Chase laughed, one that made goose bumps rise on my arms, "Don't pretend like you don't feel it too." He threw himself off the wall. "Who was that guy you left with before?" He asked his back turned away from me.

"Dash? Oh, he is none of your business." I snapped. I was tired and all I wanted was to go back to sleep. "Just go home Chase, you're just embarrassing yourself," I said crossing my arms.

"You think I don't feel stupid right now Alison? I have never done this before, ever. I have no idea what I'm doing right now, I have never felt this way about a person this way before." Chase was breathing heavily, I wasn't sure if what he was saying was true or not, I mean he's drunk.

I let out a long breath I never realized I was holding in, "I think you should leave." I turned and opened the door holding it open for Chase to leave. 

"This is nothing but a game to you, Alison. Isn't it?" Chase walked out the door, not waiting for an answer. What even just happened? I went and sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. 

A few minutes after Chase left Riley barged in through the door. "You just ditched me at the party." She complained sitting down on the couch beside me. 

I laughed, "You're the one who made the dare." I said tucking my feet underneath me. 

"To make out! Not to have sex! Damn girl, you sure like to get around don't you?" Riley nudged me playfully. 

"Easy girl." I said between laughs, "I did get kicked out of my old school for fighting." I got up and pulled out two bottles of water and threw one at Riley. 

Riley laughed, "You're all talk. You'd never hit me, I'm just too amazing." She took a drink of her water before she continued talking. "So whats the deal with you and Chase, I saw him leave before I got here." 

"God if I know. He came over here and started telling me about how he likes me." I couldn't even look Riley in the eye. 

"Are you kidding me?" Riley yelled. "That boy is probably one of the biggest players at school. If he actually wants to settle down on someone..." Riley didn't finish her sentence. 

I had to say, I was completely speechless. My phone started ringing, thank god because I have no idea what my response to that was going to be, I got up to answer it. "Hello?"

"Hello is this Miss Alison Draft?" The man on the other line said. 

"Yes, of course it is." I answered back coming to sit back down on the couch again. 

"This is Doctor Ross I'm calling to inform you that your mother has been in a fatal car accident. Your father has asked me to ask you to come down to New York immediately."

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