Teasing The Bad Boy [3]

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Chapter Three

I walked into the big front doors of this new shit hole school and headed straight to the office.

"Alison Draft. I'm new here, I need a schedule." I said putting my hand on my hip. Just letting her know what she is dealing with here. 

She attempted with a sweet smile, failing miserably, "You will have to speak with the vice principal, he deals with all the new students." She pointed to an office behind her. "He's right through there." 

I faked a smile, which I could tell she could see through. "Thanks," I muttered. I went over to the office door and knocked. 

"Come in." His voice sounded old. I walked in to see a man who had gray hair and was probably in his early 50s, his eyes were green and he was wearing a white button up shirt. He stood up and smiled when he saw me enter. "Hello, you must be Alison Draft."  He reached his hand out for me to shake, his palms were a little bit sweaty and I was totally getting pervy vibes. Gross.

"Yeah." I muttered sounding totally uninterested, "Can we just get this over with?" 

"Yes. Well then, let's get to it." He said sitting down in his black cushiony chair and started doing some typing on his computer. I sat down on the chair in front of his desk, crossed my legs, and waited impatiently. 

"Unfortunately since you came in the middle of the school year, you won't get to choose your electives." He printed off a sheet and handed it to me; it was a list of all my classes and a map of the school. "You will be taking Foods and Art. I hope that isn't inconvenient for you." 

"You say that as if I could change it," I said sarcastically. I looked at the map of the school, it looked complicated. I have a feeling I will be late for most of my classes today. 

"Your locker is number 801, and it is in this area of the school." He pointed to me on my map with his big yellow finger. He was definitely a smoker, your fingers don't get THAT yellow by accident. "And here is your locker combination." He handed me a yellow sticky with 3 numbers on it. 16-14-19.

"Uh, thanks," I said taking the sticky from him and pushing it into my pocket. 

"Well, Miss Draft, that seems to be it. I hope you enjoy your first day of school." He smiled a pervy smile. 

I didn't smile back. "Yeah, not likely," I muttered more to myself then walked out the door. I started to walk down the hallway when some nerdy looking boy jumped up beside me. 

"Hi! I'm Mack Michelson, I see that you're new here. I could show you around if you like." He smiled, his eyes barely leaving my boobs. 

"My eyes are up here buddy," I said pointing to my eyes with my two fingers. His face went pink and he didn't say anything, but he didn't leave either. I let out a long sigh, "Usually I would tell you to get lost, but  considering I have no close where I'm going so yes, I would like some help." 

The pinkness left his face, and  he faced me with excitement in his face. "Great!" He said enthusiastically. "Let me take a look at your class schedule." 

"Thanks for your help Mack," I said flirting with him slightly. What can I say, I felt bad for the kid, you could tell that he's never even touched a girl before. 

He blushed. Guys blush?! Wow, you really do learn a new thing every day. "Anytime." He nervously smiled. 

"See you around," I smiled and walked away, heading to my first class of the day, English. Which I was already 5 minutes late to. 

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