Teasing The Bad Boy [16]

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Chapter Sixteen

Alison P.O.V

So it's been quite awhile, I'm 20 weeks pregnant now and translates to about 4.5 months. Which also means everyone call tell I'm clearly pregnant now, and everyone is always touching my belly. Apparently, if your pregnant, personal space isn't a thing. 

We are  officially far enough along to know the sex of the baby. I have a doctors appointment today at 3, which is in half an hour. 

"Alison! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" Dallas called from downstairs. 

"Shut up, this is the biggest I've ever been in my whole life," I said grabbing my coat from my closet. I'm not even that big yet, I just enjoy using it as an excuse.

Maria and Dallas were both eagerly waiting by the front door when I came down the stairs. Dallas was holding the keys with a huge grin on his face. 

I smiled and headed out the door, and with my luck guess who was standing on his front lawn. Chase. 

He glanced over and spotted me, you could tell he was going to pretend like he didn't see me but it was too late. So he came walking over, "Hey Alison whats"- he paused looking at my bulging stomach which was trying to pop out the bottom of my tee shirt. I tried pulling down my shirt, embarrassed. -"holy shit never mind. You're pregnant??" He asked looking at me absolutely shocked. 

My mind was going a mile a minute, I was standing in front of the father of my child and he didn't even know it was his. "Uh yeah, the condom broke." I said making an 'oops' face. "I decided to keep it," I put one hand on my stomach and the other on my hip, "I'm financially stable." 

"How far along are you?" Chase asked to make awkward small talk.

"Just over four months." 

"So, you could apply to be on that show... 16 and pregnant." He said holding back a laugh. 

My mouth dropped open, trying not to laugh. I slapped him on the shoulder, "How about 18 in three months and pregnant." I forgot how much fun Chase was to hangout with. "So I got to go find out the sex of this thing, chill when I'm back?" I asked raising my eyebrow and walking towards the car. 

"For sure, we'll catch up. See you soon." Chase said making his way back to his house. 

"You took so long now we're going to be late," Dallas said making a pouty face, which was adorable by the way. 

"Oh shut up little boy," I said getting in the passenger side, leaving Maria in the back seat. What can I say, pregnant trumps old. 

We pulled into the parking lot, got out of the car and went inside the building. 

"Hi, I have an ultrasound appointment today at three. My name is Alison Draft." I said to the bitchy looking receptionist. 

"Yes here you are, Dr. Avery should be with you shortly. Please take a seat." The lady said and the three of us sat down, waiting anxiously.

"Okay," I said once we were all sitting. "You two take a bet on if the baby will be a boy or girl. $20 each?" 

"You're on," Dallas said. 

"Alright fine." Maria agreed. 

"I think she's a girl," Maria said hiding a grin. 

"Boy for me," Dallas said, both of them handed me the $20. I pulled $40 out of my pocket and added it to the pile. 

"To make it more interesting," I said smiling.

"Miss Draft?" Dr. Avery called at the doorway, "come right this way." All three of us got up and followed Dr. Avery to the room, I crammed the $80 into my purse as I hopped up in the chair. 

I raised my shirt and exposed my baby belly. "We would like to know the sex please," I said eagerly.

Dr. Avery laughed, "Of course. So as you know this will be a little cold." Dr. Avery put some of that jelly stuff on my belly. Everyone was silent for a couple moments. I was holding my breath so long I thought I was going to pass out. "Well, Miss Draft you have a very healthy baby boy." Dr. Avery said smiling. "This right here is the penis." Dr. Avery said pointing to a little squiggle on the screen. 

"Boy! I win! Hand it over!" Dallas said. I pulled the $80 out of my purse and handed it to him. 

The whole drive home Dallas couldn't stop talking he was so exited. "So will you be going to Chase's house after this?" He asked. 

"Yeah, it'll be nice to catch up. Plus he always has awesome snacks." 

"Are you going to tell him the baby is his?" Dallas asked quickly.

"Of course not, I don't think Chase would want this baby anyway," I mumbled rubbing my belly. 

We finally got home and Chase was waiting for me on his door step. "Hey! What's the verdict? Boy or girl?" Chase asked with a smile on his face. 

"Boy," I said my smile getting bigger. For a split second, I felt my heart twinge at Chase's excitement towards my baby. 

"Oh great! Congrats!" Chase said, "Do you want to come in for lunch? My family is out of town, so don't worry about any awkward confrontation" Chase laughed, he must know about my run-in with his family that not so long ago day.

"Food? Of course, I do." I said following Chase into his empty house. "I just got to use your bathroom first, you know ultrasounds, they always make you drink till you want to burst."

 "So whats new with you?" I asked coming back out and sitting on one of his island stools. "You still with... Whats her name... Mae?" 

"Yeah I am, and nothing new with me really. We'll be graduating in 2 weeks, that's exiting for sure." Chase said. Chase seemed only half there. You could tell he had something else on his mind. 

"Yeah, I'm finally all caught up so I'll be graduating too. Dallas has been bringing me homework, I'm trying to keep this pregnancy thing on the down low."

"Yeah, that's cool..." Chase said making sandwiches. We both got silent. Chase handed me a sandwich, and we continued to eat quietly. 

"Okay, Chase spill it. What's on your mind?" I asked taking a big bite of my sandwich. I was starving. 

Chase put his sandwich down and looked at me. "You said you were over four months pregnant?" I nodded. "Alison as far as I know I was the only one you were sleeping with 4 months ago." 

I froze, mid chew. My heart was beating so hard I could hear it in my ear drums. 

"Ali, he's is mine isn't he?" Chase said pointing to my stomach. 

All I could think was fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. 

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