Teasing The Bad Boy [4]

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Chapter Four

The first week of school went by pretty fast. I made a few more friends, there was Matt, Sheena, and Chase, but I also met Chanel, Riley, and Bree. They were the popular girls, and they gladly welcomed me into their group. Well, hell I'd welcome me into my group too. I quickly took another look at myself in the mirror, looks good. 

"Maria I'm leaving!" I hollered. 

"Okay Ali, have a good day." She ran to the door handing me my school bag. "Oh, and I talked to your father and he had someone drive up your car."

"Are you kidding?!" I squealed jumping up and down. Maria held up my keys and I quickly snatched them from her and ran outside to see my beautiful black Ferrari parked in the driveway. "Yes!" I said quietly to myself. 

"I see you got your baby back," Chase said walking towards me with a wide grin. 

"Well I'm glad to see you're not blind," I said not taking my eyes off my car. 

"Hey look, I'm having a party tonight and I really hope you would come."

I glanced over at him and smiled, "Sure." 

"Awesome. So it looks as if won't be needing a ride to school anymore," Chase said grinning. 

"Nope, but doesn't mean we can't drive together." I raised an eyebrow at him, "Race you." 

Chase's jaw dropped, but it just as quickly turned into a smirk. "You're on." He said pulling his keys out of his pocket and jogging up to his truck.

"Bring it," I called hopping into the driver's seat, God it felt good being back in my car. I pulled beside Chase revving my engine. I let out a laugh throwing my head back. I signalled for go and we raced down the street. 

The bell that signalled school was over for the weekend finally went off, this had to be the longest day of my life. Bree kept going on and on about how her boyfriend cheated on her, and she just didn't know what to do about it. I mean I understand how upsetting that could be, but like so upsetting that every time the subject changes you need to bring it up again somehow? No. I just wanted to slap her in the face and Chanel agreed with me. Chanel is most like me out of all of them. 

The three of us were sitting on a picnic table outside of the school's main doors when Riley came to join us. "What are you guys talking about?" She asked sitting beside Bree. 

Bree had blonde hair and green eyes, she was taller than the rest of us, her makeup was always in perfect condition and had the reputation of sleeping around a lot. Riley, on the other hand, was shyer than the rest of us. Her hair was long and brown, the same colour of her dark brown eyes. Chanel's hair was shoulder length and black, her eyes were dark brown like the Riley's, Chanel was very outgoing and not afraid to speak her mind, one of the many things that made her my favorite. 

"Nothing." Chanel and I said at the same time. 

"Well, hopefully nothing anymore." Chanel rolled her eyes. I laughed and Riley joined in, I looked over and saw Chase walking to the side of the school. 

"Hey, guys... I'll be right back." I said not taking my eyes off Chase. Chanel whistled, obviously realizing where I was going. Riley and Bree started making some 'oooh' noises. I only took my eyes off Chase to turn around and glare at them.

I followed him to the side of the school, but I couldn't see him anywhere. Suddenly, I was pushed up against the wall, hard. My breathing quickened, "I knew you'd follow me."  He pulled down the arm of my shirt, exposing my shoulder. He planted a kiss on my cheek and his lips trailed down to my collarbone where he left a hickey...  He pulled away and rubbed over the skin with his thumb, his hands were warm. He leaned in close to my ear. "Consider that marking what's mine." 

Before I could say anything about not being anyone's girl, he was gone. "Fuck," I said under my breath. I caught my breath and pulled out my phone to fix my hair. Making sure I looked decent I began to walk back to where my friends were waiting for the details. I wonder what got into him... I never thought he was like that. I mean I knew he was interested in me, but not like that. 

"Soooooo." Bree started. Well, at least she wasn't talking about Liam again. 

"Nothing." I shrugged and took a seat back down. 

"When Chase walked out, his smirk totally screamed something." Chanel pushed, grinning. 

"Oh my god!" Riley yelled pulling the shoulder of my shirt down. About half the kids outside glanced over, one of them including Matt. I gave some staring people some glares while pulling my shirt back up.

"Thanks for telling the whole school." I rolled my eyes teasingly. 

"I don't care! Tell us the details Ali!" Riley yelled again. 

"If you shut the fuck up I'll think about it,"  I grinned. 

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