⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 15⋅.── ⊰

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"We are buried in broken dreams
We are knee-deep without a plea"

»»-------Ruelle-The Other Side-------««

20 July

I had been in a good slumber under my soft covers until I heard the familiar rocks hitting the window. It was much colder due to the lack of sunny weather, so I unfavored having to get up because I wanted to remain cocooned safely and warm in my blankets. But I got up nonetheless and wasn't as tired since it was half an hour past seven; compared to five in the morning when Chris woke me up previously.

I briefly peeked at the window, just to confirm that it was indeed Chris, and then as fast as I could, went down and through the back door. Outside, I was nearly stunned by the chilly overcast day. Today the sky covered in clouds of the darkest grey.

"Chris!" I exclaimed once I reached him, and unintentionally nearly tumbled into him as I leave a quick peck on his cheek.

"You're rather blissful today," Chris says with slightly raised eyebrows. "Though, not that I mind."

"So, what brings you here this time?" I ponder.

"You did say your parents would be gone by now, right?"

"Oh, right!" It didn't take long for me to remember through early-morning grogginess. "I nearly forgot about it."

"I thought we could go for a walk, nothing too special, and see where we go after that. If you can, that is."

"I can't deny." I laughed. "Just excuse me as I change into something more appropriate. The weather has just been raw lately," I comment.

"Indeed it has. Take your time. I'll stay waiting here," he satisfied.

I hurriedly got back inside and looked through my closet, deciding on a dress with an extended skirt and draped a heavier capelet shawl over my shoulders. I quickly ran a brush through my hair and then looked in the mirror a final time. I still really loved the way the locket looked and the way it glistened even in the lack of light. I left the mirror knowing that I might get Chris impatient if I continued to take any longer.

Once I was with Chris, we got into the greenwood. Looking back at the residence, I wonder if last time this was how it went from the maids to my parents, but now that they had no one to tell, I didn't feel so worried. Let them see it--us.

This time we weren't in a hurry to get anywhere and just walked slowly, allowing the trees, the dead leaves, soil, and whatever else to pave the path for us. I worried that we'd get lost, but Chris, luckily, seemed to know where we were headed. Although, to me, it felt like we were following no direct path.

I heard the rush of water and as we walked further I found that the source was from a small stream. Connecting the separation of the ground, was a wooden bridge only big enough for people to walk through like us. We stopped in the middle of it, and though it was an indifferent sight, it was calming; listening to the surge of water.

"How do you know these woods so well, Chris?" I asked moments after the water had been the only noise we could hear.

"Growing up in the middle of a forest, you eventually know how to make your way through them," he replied. "Plus, we come here annually, so the least I could do was navigate my way through these smaller woods."

I had thought these woods were fairly large! When he mentioned 'annually' I thought back to the first flier I'd received that was actually over four weeks ago... Four weeks ago...

A Rose Painted Black || The Distortionist x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang