⊱ ──.⋅Chapter 11⋅.── ⊰

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"Promise me to pass the time
Dance with me on plastic tears
Kiss me, we won't feel alone
Till morning when we disappear"

»»-------TBM-Promise Me-------««

12 July

I paced back and forth in my room for a moment, before deciding that I would indeed sneak out since there was no chance of my parents leaving anytime soon, so through the night I'd creep about.

Prior, I'd already donned a dress with sleeves and an extra layer, just for an extra measure, and took in a breath before slowly shutting my door behind me and crept down the hallways with framed portraits and Dresden porcelain heirlooms that cast twisted shadows.

I heard a door creak and took to a dark corner.

It was (S/n) rubbing her eyes, and stopping a little before me.

"You're not very good at hiding, (Y/n)," she says, making out what she could, "or sneaking out to see your boyfriend again."

"He's not my..." I stopped and didn't continue. "You'll only make it harder if you don't get out of my way and speak quieter."

She yawns. "Why? Is he waiting outside again? Please don't make so much noise like you did last time."

"You heard us?" I didn't always trust an eleven-year-old--much like herself--too much.

She gave me her classic angel eyes which hid nothing but evil. "I won't say a word if you take me with you!" She put her hands together in excitement.

"No-uh, not happening," I say. "You're practically falling asleep right now." I watch her eyes nearly shut but then opening widely.

"Not true!" She says, shaking her head. "It's not fair that you're sneaking off there every day!"

I heard more rustling in the hallways and rooms and I knew I had to get out of there quick.

"Okay fine," I say, walking past her. "Don't bother me, and I'm leaving you there if you fall asleep."

I ignored her as she mimicked me a bit, but we made it out of the residence and were on our way.

I thought about how if any day I'd have to be caught, I hoped it wouldn't be today. I'd be in trouble, multiplied by two for bringing (S/n) with me. I gave a silent invocation to whoever hears me.

I also took a final moment to consider my decision. I didn't see myself rejecting Chris, especially while he would be here with the carnival and so that I could get a deeper glance into the type of life I see as ideal--by theory at least. Not strictly forbidden by rules and protocols, and a chance to feel alive. A chance to feel love, a heavy beat in my chest, and that rush of adrenaline in a time, I hope, doesn't pass as fast as a blurry night mixed with elation. There were malicious characters, but I supposed those are inevitably a part of the story too.

Even if I'd have to keep him hidden; even if my family would disapprove. I just couldn't bring myself to care at this moment.


Just as we neared the carnival, I saw its transformation from day to night. It took me a moment to register, but it must've been that night-fair. It was quite an attraction of itself, judging by the surge of people coming in. The town nearby wasn't sizeable, so I wondered if people really did travel far just to find themselves here.

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