"Back when I went to high school." I said and looked down embarrassed.

"I remind you of high school? Damn it must've been hard learning with my good looks since I remind you of school." He smirked and I rolled my eyes, which I seem to do a lot.

"Not like that, brat."

"Alright. Burgers are done." Ethan said and turned off the grill.

I got off Grayson and he led the way to the edge and pulled himself out of the water, his arm veins bulging out and a grunt escaping his mouth.

Can a person be a fetish?

I swam to the edge and Grayson helped me get out of the water, then grabbed my hand and walked me to the towels and threw one at me, then I wrapped it around my body.

"I'll make your burger for you." Grayson said as I sat down next to my phone and checked my notifications.

'So have you and Steven fucked yet 😉' Dylan texted me and I quietly giggled.

'I'll tell you about EVERYTHING tomorrow. Too busy admiring beauty that will never be mine😍'

'Oooh get it girl!'

I laughed and set my phone down seeing the time read 3:27. Already?

"What do you want on your burger Peyton?" Grayson asked and I walked up to him.

"Pickles and ketchup, even though I could do it myself." I smiled as I watched him try to lay the pickles out perfectly.

"Here beautiful." He winked and I blushed and walked back to my seat next to Ethan.

"He's whipped. How'd you do that so fast?" Ethan said as we both looked at Grayson dancing horribly to the music.

"I did nothing." I shrugged smiling. "I'm just myself." I looked back at Ethan who was smirking and had an eyebrow raised.

"You send him nudes?" He asked as we both ate our food.

"Oh my god no." I laughed and watched Grayson walk inside.

"Well don't mess with his feelings. He just got out of a toxic relationship." I furrowed my eyebrows surprised he managed to keep it a secret.

"What happened?"

"Grayson would probably want to tell you himself." Ethan said as we watched Grayson walk over to us with three water bottles and set them down on the table in front of Ethan and I.


"I had a lot of fun today guys. But it's about time I go home. My parents will be worried." I said to Grayson and Ethan as we sat in the hot tub together.

"Alright. I'll walk you out." Grayson and I got out of the hot tub and dried off and I put my clothes over my bikini.

I stood by the front door and watched Grayson walk up to me. "I'm glad we spent all day together. You're so much more amazing than I thought you'd be." Grayson said as we awkwardly stood in front of each other.

"We need to hang out again soon, although we're both really busy." I chuckled a little and he opened up the front door.

"I'll walk you to your car." He said and we both walked outside then stopped at the driver's door. "Text me when you get home, Okay?" Grayson asked as his hands snaked to my waist.

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him into a hug. "I almost don't want to leave." I giggled and pulled away a little.

"You don't have to. You can sleep over if you want." He suggested

"No, I really should be getting home. I'll text you." I let go of Grayson and he opened up my door for me.

He pulled me into another hug, this one even tighter than before, and he planted a kiss on my cheek, making my face warm.

"Goodnight." He said and let go of me.

"Goodnight Steven." I mocked and he laughed then I got into the front seat and he closed the door once I started the car.

He stood in the driveway until I drove away to my house, and the entire way there I thought of the fuzzy feeling that stuck in my stomach, and the feeling of his lips on my cheek still lingering.

I don't want him to affect me like this.

Cheesy ending, but double upload because I haven't posted for like 5 days 😬😬

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