Oops. Wrong move Yoongi. Why would you push him on the bed. His body lying on my bed is just too much. I rush towards bathroom to take a shower and off course to hide my red embarrassed face.

Jin's pov:-

I get ready for tonight's big party. I cant believe Namjoon making me attend. He never did this earlier. I would be locked in my room while he would meet everyone downstairs in hall.

Sometimes I would hear some songs or laughing and hating it. Deciding that I would never attend such a thing. But now that namjoon wants me there, i can't deny how much I am excited for this.

Also I am worried too though. I mean his father is gonna be there. And he hates me so much. I don't want Namjoon to be in difficult situation because of me.

I come out of my room and i see Namjoon fully ready as he is giving final touch to his hair. He sees my reflection in mirror and a smirk appears on his face. "Dismiss All" he says looking at me through the mirror.
So all maids and servants helping him getting ready leaves the room.

I turn too not wanting to disobey my master.
"Not you." He says so I stop at my spot. I can feel him putting his comb down and hear the footsteps coming closer. Soon.his hands all over me. "You are looking so damn beautiful in these clothes. I should have made you wear this sooner" he whispers in my ear before biting the earlobe. I close my eyes tightly.

His hands moving along my waist and then grouping my butt. "Ahh!" Moan comes out from my mouth. So i bit my lips not wanting my noises spoiling the mood. "Don't shut your moans. Those are music to my ears" he says in his raspy voice as his lips now nibbling on my neck, giving me noticeable hickey.

"Ahhhhh,,, Namjoon!!"

"What baby?"

" That..aahhh...will it not be inappropriate for the ....classy....party..ahh" i speak inspire of my in between moaning as he sucking on my sweet spot.

"Off course not. That will help those hoes coming distance from you!" He says and i blush.

He turns me to face him and I look down. He pulls my chin up and I slowly look into his eyes. "So beautiful...only mine...I own your every breath.." he says seductively before pulling me into deep kiss. I spontaneously give in. I am so happy and lucky to have such master. Our tongues dance with each other.

Finally he pulls back a kiss for air and I frown not wanting to break the kiss. The air is insufficient for me too but I am used to chocking.



"Tonight..I wont be able to be by your side all the time. I may have to go talk to some businessmen. Keep yourself a good company."

"Yes. I will. hosoek is coming too."

"Don't let him touch you much too..." He says and i laugh seeing how can he be jealous over my best friend.

"And some nasty men will ask you for dance...I can't come everytime to save you." He says worriedly.

"Don't worry. I wont let anyone touch me except you" i assure him.

"I believe you baby. But still for sake of my mind's ease, can you wear this at the party? For me?"

Hoseok's pov:-

"Hoseok! We have to live in 10 mins" Yoongi yells from living room.

And i freak out in my room. Yet not ready fully. I style my hair repeatedly. Actually I am so much nervous. What if I mess up? There gonna be so many high class people. What if I embarrass Yoongi? I should not attend such parties. I am not ready yet.

"Hoseok ...whats going on?" He asks impatiently. I cant blame him though. He was ready since 1 hour now and i kept him waiting.

"Coming Yoongi. 2 more minutes"

"You are saying that since one hour now. Let me in. Let me help"

"Noooo. Wait please" i plead.

"I am coming in" he says.

"No wait-"

But he comes in and I am shook to see him dressed up like a prince. I swallow hard forgetting why I was rushing towards my shirt as I am shirtless.

 I swallow hard forgetting why I was rushing towards my shirt as I am shirtless

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"Wow. You look like a prince. I mean an Actual prince. You are handsome" i say without thinking much.

"And...you are...shirtless???" He says., his eyes staring hard at me...at my pink buds without flinching once. He is shook too not expecting me to see like this.

"Ahh...I am sorry..." I grab a shirt putting it in hurry. "That's why I said not to come" i yell as my head inside the shirt struggling to find the hole for come out.

"So clumsy.!! Why are you not yet dressed? What were you doing for so long?"
He says and his voice coming closer. He grips shirt from both side, sliding it down on my body. He holds from both side of my waist and adjusts it for me.

"Thank you.." i say blushing.

"Now get ready fast"

"Ah yes.." i laugh awkwardly. I sit down wearing a fancy pair of socks that fane with the clothing.

"You look good too. I guess rich clothing can turn pumpkin into watermelon" he says and i huff.

"Thank you!!" I say sarcastically.
He turns to leave but stops as I say,

"May be i should leave first two buttons unbuttoned" i say looking at mirror.

"No!!" He says immediately and trembles while walking. I look at him fell on ground and can't stop myself from laughing. He stands up staring me hard and pulls out lacy bowtie. "Wear this" he says and pulls me closer.

My laughing stops as I can feel his breathing very close to me. He wraps it around my neck and making it tight for me.

"Ah that's enough. Why are you choking me?" I ask and he release me immediately. He clears his throat.

"Just Come out mkay" he says and leaves the room wiping a small sweat on his forehead.

Why does it feel so hot suddenly?

I look myself in mirror one last time and god the bowtie is looking so good! Yoongi is the best!

Yoongi's pov:--

Gosh! He is looking so adorable. Still so oblivious. Not even understand that I took this pic of him.

Why did I take it? Well I just don't wanna forget this moment

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Why did I take it?
Well I just don't wanna forget this moment. He is looking too precious. And i am pooping shit for not able to say it out loud. What is happening to me!!!

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