Chapter 32// After midnight

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Chapter 32: After midnight

When the girls and I finally managed to fall asleep, we were lying in a bundle of blankets with an empty packets of chips beside us.
I'm pretty sure we fell asleep halfway through the movie, but I don't really mind. It's not as if there was anything I wouldn't be able to predict. I mean, the guy gets the girl, the bad guy dies and everyone lives happily ever after.

Anyway, back to the story.

I'm not sure how long we had been asleep for when a faint noise rustles me awake. At first I am restricted by Caitlin's arm wrapping around me, until I manage to pull myself free.

Looking around into the darkness of my room I immediately start to feel scared. Why is it that it's always me who is stuck in the dark by myself?! Based on the only horror movie I have ever seen I can very easily tell that it's the dumb, over vulnerable one that goes first.

I'm about to lie back down when I hear the rustling noise again. Immediately jerking upright, I scan the room for any movement. My heart thumps again my chest like a sledge hammer as I raise myself to my feet. Nothing but the wavering Shadows is visible for a few seconds, until a movement catches my eye.

Then all of a sudden, Hunter comes barreling through the window.

I automatically shriek in freight, grabbing a pillow and attempting to smother him to death with it.

"Violet! What's going on!?" Caitlin screams, shooting up from the floor.

"He broke into my house!!" I scream.

"What the- get off me!" Hunter bellows from underneath me.

For about 5 seconds I have him pinned until finally I have to retreat to push my hair out of my face. Then Hunter flips me, pinning my hands above my head.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?!?!"I scream in his face.

He swiftly transfers his grip on my wrists to his one hand, moving the other to cover my mouth.

"Stop screaming or you'll wake up your parents!" He tells me, his face uncomfortably close to mine.

"Get off me!!" I yell at him, though my voice is extremely muffled.

"Hunter! You heard her!" Heather yells, tugging his shoulders.

Reluctantly, Hunter pulls himself off of me, his eyes never leaving mine. He reaches down to give me a hand but I bash it away, pulling myself up. Swiftly dusting off my shoulders I send him a vicious glare before crossing my arms.

"Why. Are. You. Here?", I growl.

"Vee, I don't know why you're so mad at me, I didn't-" he starts.

"Just answer the fudging question Hunter!"

He takes a deep breath, obviously struggling to not explode with explanations. False explanations may I add.

"Fine. Ethan, Brendan and I decided to ask you guys whether since we're all staying right next door to one another... would you consider staying over at my house?" He asks cautiously.

"No" I respond without a seconds pause.

"Violet, please, we need to talk about the rumour-"

"NO!" I yell at him once more, "I'm done with you and your lies, I thought I told you that already."

"What about if there is no talking at all?" He asks.

Wait what?

"What?" I ask in confusion.

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