Chapter 38: Song of Time

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IMPORTANT: Please go back and read chapter 37 first. When I originally posted it, no update notice was sent out for it because Wattpad thought there were copyrighted things in it (stupid, i know), so go read that first then come back here and read this! Thanks!

Chapter 38: Song of Time

Five Months Later

The time of the Interloper War had finally passed. The scorching, bloody summer days in which the violent battles between those loyal to the goddess and those who opposed her had been waged had faded into peaceful, crisp autumn days, which in turn had started to fade into quiet, contented, brisk winter days. All of the trees that surrounded the Sealed Grounds had long been stripped of their once-green foliage, replaced by a thin coating of white snow that had recently fallen upon their branches from the first snowfall of the year. The people who had migrated from Skyloft to the surface had been bewildered and amazed at seeing snow for the first time, as they had never seen such a natural marvel before in the eternal spring-like weather they had once enjoyed in the sky, but they had already learned to adapt to the new frontier that they had decided to settle upon. As the immediacy of the Interloper War began to fade away, the former residents of Skyloft had sought to branch out from their meager camp and create an actual, sustainable society within this new land. And so, with the help of the Sheikah, they had began to build a small, if somewhat primitive village of their own in the northern parts of the land, in the wide, fertile plains between the volcano and the desert, where the weather would hopefully continue to be seasonably warm for them even through the long winter months. At most, the unnamed village only consisted of about twenty or so small dwellings, but it was growing more and more each day as more people moved from the camp near Kakariko to this new society, one that, despite its humble beginnings, they all hoped would prosper and succeed for years to come.

A chilling winter's wind blew across Faron Woods, still blanketed in a shallow layer of snow even though the sun was shining down upon the area, though it did little to warm the forest up. The few birds who had not flown to the warmer northern regions perched themselves upon the barren branches of the trees near the entrance to the main woods, in the area behind the Sealed Temple as Link, Zelda and Terminus met there to see the goddess of Termina off to her native land. For the past several months after the war, Terminus had generously offered to stay within her sister's land for a while longer and aid in the surface's healing using her restorative magic. However, now that the land had largely recovered from the scars left upon it from the Interloper War, the goddess of Termina had decided to depart and return to her own land and people, to resume watching over them once again.

"Well, it seems as though it is time for us to part ways once again…" Terminus said with a bittersweet smile. "May the golden goddesses bless you both, even more than they already have."

"Thank you so much for everything, Terminus," Zelda said with gratitude for her beloved sister, with whom she had gotten well reacquainted with over the past several months they had gotten to spend together. "I'll miss you so much… Are you sure you have to go?"

"I'm afraid I do, my dear sister," she said, taking the girls hands in hers. "My people need me, just as your people need you. But do not despair. My land and I are never too far away… And I truly hope that you both come to visit any time you desire, especially after my little niece is born…" With a warm smile, Terminus placed a gentle hand upon Zelda's round stomach, in which the baby had been growing at a steady, healthy rate, just as the goddesses promised she would.

"Oh, we certainly will!" the girl said with a cheerful laugh as she glanced down at her womb, smiling brightly just as she always did when she thought of the little life inside of it. "Won't we, Link?"

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