Chapter 2: Another World

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Chapter 2: Another World

As Link and Zelda traveled deeper into the mysterious forest, their ongoing conversation gradually faded away into the dense silence of the area. These woods were by far different than the bright, lush greenery of Faron Woods that the two of them were used to. Rather, these woods were lonely and dark; their every footstep echoed against the tight hush of the thicket and the tall trees shielded the forest floor from most traces of sunlight. The only signs of natural life came from the sparsely flittering fairies that flew about, their glowing bodies dimly illuminating the otherwise nonexistent path. But even so, the pair went on, unsure of what they would find at the other end of this mystical forest.

After an hour or so of silently wandering within the supposedly empty woods, both of them became restless and discouraged in their search. Even though their matching dreams had seemed to guide them to this place, there appeared to be no signs of anything but the sea of trees that stretched on for miles. Even if they were to turn around and try a different route, chances were that this fact would not change.

"Hey Zelda," Link said after some time, finally breaking through the prolonged quiet between the two. "I don't think there's anything here. Maybe we were wrong about the dreams."

"I was thinking that too," Zelda said, taking another glance up at the tall trees above her. "Its strange though... I was almost certain that we'd find something here."

The hero shrugged as they both came to a halt within a small clearing. "Well I guess its safe to say that this is just a big empty forest, huh?"

Zelda opened her mouth to agree with him, but before she could even utter a single word, a soft gale began to blow through her long blonde hair. Her eyes widened as she looked to the direction that the wind was blowing, to the path that lead into the inky darkness ahead. She took a small step in that direction, poising her ears to listen to the wind blowing through the foliage.

"What's wrong?" Link asked her when he noticed her tense manner. Zelda didn't reply; rather she held a finger out beside her, a signal that the two of them had used to tell the other to be quiet ever since they were little. But even so, the hero's curiosity got the better of him. He slowly moved to stand beside her and tried again. "Zelda?"

"Sh!" she quieted him almost immediately. "Listen..." They both held their tongues as they watched and listened to the forest ahead of them. On instinct, Link placed a hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword, just in case whatever Zelda was hearing was something that wanted to jump out of the forest and attack them. "Do you hear it?" she whispered to him a moment later. He remained silent but shook his head, having no idea what she was talking about. "Come on," she said, slowly and quietly going after the breeze's guidance. Link followed closely behind her, not questioning the goddess's heightened senses.

The two of them quickened their pace as the distant noise finally became clear to both of them. It was the high tones of what seemed to be a wind instrument echoing through the woods, much like what both of them heard in their respective dreams. They both chased after the direction of its source, knowing that it would lead them to the mysterious voice as well. As they rushed towards it, they barely noticed that the fairies were gradually vanishing out of sight, making the forest even darker as they came to the heart of it. It was only as the area became as dark as night that they both stopped in their tracks, having lost sight of each other completely in the blackness around them.

"Zelda?" the hero called out against the increasing sound of the instrument.

"Link?" she responded from a few feet away from him.

"Where are you?"

"I'm over here!"

"Where? I can't see anything."

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