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Thanks?? For?? 6 thousand reads??? This is crazy¿¿

Anyways here's some good old marauders fluff for the occasion :)


The sun was shining down brightly upon the lake in front of you, which only made it harder to look at.

The boys thought it a good idea to jump into the lake on the boiling hot day, and you thought it was a great idea. But you had to finish an essay for your stupid Transfiguration class.

You were almost done when you heard the boys call your name. That lead to you attempting to look at the lake in front of you where the boys currently were.

"What is it?" You finally called loudly.

"You should come in." Remus yelled, pushing Sirius over when he attempted to sneak up behind him.

"I think I'll pass. Maybe once I finish this." She smirked when she heard them groan simultaneously.

"Come on, (L/N)! The waters great." James laughed and shook out his hair after he spoke.

"So is passing my classes." She retorted, looking away from them and down to her essay.

"I'll drag you in, don't make me do it." Sirius threatened playfully.

"I'd like to see you try, Black." You teased back, not looking up as you continued writing.

They stopped bothering you after a while and continued messing in the water amongst each other.

Once you had finally reached the end of the agonizingly long essay, you couldn't help but glance up at the water. It did look rather refreshing and it was gradually getting hotter outside.

You sighed before standing up, slipping your robe on the tree branch and taking off your shoes and socks.

"Come on (N/N)!" They called to you once they saw you getting undressed.

"Calm down you tossers!" She yelled, unbuttoning her shirt and taking off her skirt. That left her with the bathing suit she had put on earlier as she figured the boys would do this.

She walked towards the edge and jumped into the water, splashing them in the process. They yelled in protest and she chuckled, diving under.

They grinned at each other but then James shrieked in fright, feeling something wrap around his leg.

You popped your head above the water with a smile but then you saw James terrified face.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked him jokingly. He lifted his leg out of the water slowly and screamed when he saw a tentacle wrapped around it.

"Oh hell no." Sirius denied, grabbing your arm and swimming frantically to the shore.

"What the hell man!" James yelled aloud.

You all laughed as James pried the tentacle off. "You all are a bunch of arseholes you know that?" He couldn't fight the grin working its way onto his face as they all started laughing hysterically.

"You should've seen your face." Remus howled, clutching his stomach and falling back onto the ground.

Sirius wipes a tear away from his eye and continued chuckling. "Oh my gosh, I need to go to the hospital wing."

You took a deep breath, a smile painted on your face. "I might just join you."


Thanks so much for six thousand reads, I never thought I'd get to this point. I love every single one of you!

Don't forget that requests are open, and also don't forget to follow me for more Harry Potter and other fandom content.


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