6 : too close

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Season 5 in Alexandria

Holding her own, she keeps killing every walker in her path, blood beginning to cover every inch of her form. Soon the small herd that once crowded her lying dead at her feet. She lets out a sigh of relief before pulling in a deep breath. She isn't able to take in completely before coughing violently, as the blood dripping down her face got sucked in with the air she tried to breathe in. She tries to wipe her mouth, but it doesn't do much good since she's soaked head to toe.

 "Fuck," she breathes out, breathing in through her teeth. "I'm going to kill you Aiden," she seethes, finding the anger she felt before resurfacing even stronger than before.

When she's able to breathe properly, turns to the exit she saw Aiden go out of and moves towards it. The bright sun blinds her for a few moments before she looks where the van was supposed to be. It isn't there. 

 A moment passes, a loud and heavy passing through her nose before she breathes out, "You've got to be fucking me." A breathy, sadistic laugh escapes her, finding this day growing worse as time passes by. Wiping her hand over her face, she lets out a tired sigh before beginning to jog, knowing it'll take some time before she gets back to Alexandria.

 In Alexandria, Daryl is just learning of her death, and he swears his heart breaks inside. Everyone reacts differently, from Carol and Carl holding back their sobs, to Rick and Michonne who try to wipe their tears away, everyone can feel her death. That woman had been a part of the group since Atlanta, finding her, or her finding them when she got into a fight with Daryl over deer, allowing it to be eaten by a walker instead. Despite having a tough demeanor, over time she smiled more, showing a softer side. But now she's gone. And Daryl not knowing how to react walks back to his household, locking himself in his room.

 Soon enough it's mid-afternoon, Maggie trying her best to keep herself together as she stands guard. When she sees a figure sprinting towards the gates, she's forced to, aiming her gun at the unknown. "Stop right there!" she orders, which they do after a moment.

 "Let me in!" Maggie feels her entire body buckle, feeling like she's just seen a ghost.

 "Y-You're alive?" she stutters.

 "No shit sticks! Open the fucking gate!" she hollers, not in the mood for questions, the walker blood like dry paint on her skin. Maggie orders Sasha to open the gate, which she does, shock spreading across Sasha's face as the woman who was supposed to be dead stomps right past her.

 Looking around for a moment, she sees Rosita and Carol with shocked expressions as well before sprinting to tell others. However, her attention isn't on them. It diverts to the Monroe family, who speak on the sidewalk like it's Sunday afternoon. And for one reason or another, this fuels her to have unruly rage. Her entire body seems to be doing the work for her, moving on it's own. Even her mouth moves without her consent.

 "Monroe!" she yells. The whole family turns to her, and Aiden goes pale. It creates a certain feeling in her, one that drives her more. Her quick movements become nice and slow, wanting to draw out the moment as long as she can. "It's so good to see you," she grins. "Where the fuck were you?" she wonders, waiting for him to respond. When she receives none, her grin drops from her face, now replaced a terrifying scowl. "Where. The-" she starts, drawing out the words for emphasis, getting closer and closer to the Monroe until they're eye-to-eye, "Fuck. Were. YOU?!" she yells, swinging at him on the last word. It connects, knocking him to the ground with a thud. Kneeling on top of him, she repeats the question over and over again as she brings her fists to his face, drawing blood instantly.

 Spencer tries to help his brother, wrapping his arms around her waist in hopes of pulling her off. In return, she brings her arm forward before reeling back, knocking Spencer away with a bleed nose and most likely a concussion, before continuing to swing at the man who left her for dead.

 She tries to do the same when another pair of arms wrap around her waist, but she misses, giving the person enough time to pull her up off the bleeding boy.

 "Let go!" she growls, but their grip doesn't falter. Watching as his family crowds him, a loud scoff passes her lips, wanting to get the last bit in. "What'd you tell them, Aiden? You tell 'em I was dead? Huh?" The latter forces himself to sit up, looking at her with anger in his eyes. It makes her laugh aloud, finding it hard to believe that he's the one mad. " You want to repeat it in front of me? Say that shit to my face you dick shitting motherfucking dolphin fucker!" she curses, learning well from the redhead himself.

 "Calm down, sunshine," a southern accent whispers in her ear. It cracks a bit at the word 'sunshine'. And on the flip of a dime, she is calm, turning in Daryl's arms to look at him.

 "He really did tell you I was dead, huh?" she scoffs, shaking her head silently. Meeting his eyes, she's surprised to tears running down his face. It makes her become soft instantly, bringing placing her hands on his cheeks. " No, no, no. No tears." She wipes the tears away with the pads of her thumbs, whispering loving things to him beneath her breath. "I'm here baby." The grip on her waist tightens as he lays his head on her shoulder, shoulders shaking as his body racks with sobs. She coos silently, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer. "I'm here, baby. I'm here," she repeats, blinking dramatically in hopes for the tears to disappear from her eyes. "I'm here. I'm here."

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