Episode 9A: The Potion Problem

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(Start on the third isle. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN are walking. They pass a shack with a sign that says "Shop".)

Cuphead-There it is! Another one of those shops!

Mugman-Another one?

Cuphead-Yeah! There was one of these places on the first isle and another one on the second. We even bought shots from both of them.

Mugman-I remember that! I just didn't notice that they were the same.

Cuphead-Really? You didn't notice. I'd think that you of all people would notice.

Mugman-You were wrong, then, but I'll take your word for it. Now, while we're on the trend of buying shots at these places, why don't we do that?

Cuphead-Sounds like a plan.

(Just then, they hear CHALICE's voice calling.)

Chalice-(offscreen) Help!

(CUPHEAD sighs.)

Cuphead-Not again.

Mugman-Well, she can't be too far.

Cuphead-Why not?

(He points to another mausoleum, which happens to be next to the shop.)

Cuphead-Now that's convenient placement. C'mon, Mugs. Let's go.

(They enter the mausoleum. There is once again an urn on a podium.)

Cuphead-Alright, ghosties! Come on out!

(And they do. Several pink ghosts emerge from the shadows.)

Cuphead-It's parrying time!

(MUGMAN nods. They begin parrying ghosts. There are more of the female ghosts that move in circles.)

Cuphead-Mugman, can you get the fast ones? I can't seem to get them.

(MUGMAN parries two of them. A giant ghost comes into view. CUPHEAD parries it. It splits into two smaller ghosts.)

Cuphead-Holy jeezum!

(MUGMAN parries both of the smaller ghosts.)

Cuphead-Thanks for that.

Mugman-You're welcome. For that and for all the times I covered for you when you were temporarily shocked by the opponents you're supposed to be defeating.

Cuphead-Don't get all technical on me, Mugman!

(He pauses to parry a ghost.)

Cuphead-I'm doing the best I can.

(The ghosts stop coming. The lid pops off the urn. CHALICE comes out.)

Chalice-Thank goodness you came by! Those lousy ghosts had me but good that time!

Cuphead-Well, if you ever get trapped again, you can get yourself out, right? You're a strong, independent woman.

Chalice-Here's the last magical super art I was able to find for you.

(She summons a large teacup with the Roman numeral III written on it in gold and hands it to MUGMAN.)

Chalice-Well, time for me to take a powder. Good luck!

(She disappears.)

Cuphead-Why do I get the feeling that that "good luck" was going to be followed by "you're gonna need it"?

(Cut to outside the mausoleum. CUPHEAD and MUGMAN walk out. MUGMAN is still holding the teacup.)

Mugman-The last Super Art. I wonder what it does.

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