Chapter 28 - Enslaved

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I never really thought about freedom before. You take free will and free choices for granted until it is stolen from your grasp. The moment you loose it is the moment you realise your stupidity. Your imcompetence. You just want to scream at yourself. Now have lost mine, I can truley appreciate the free life. I crave it. I need it.

I tred gloomily as I followed Giovanni. He was leading me to another task. Since I was captured,  forced jobs had only required me to harm humans, but this felt different. Many of the previous orders were just for Giovanni's entertainment although I knew he had a plan which would start anyday now.

Giovanni motioned at me to open two large wooden doors infront of us. They lead into a giant hall which had a battle field covering the floor. I knew exactly what he wanted of me now. He wanted to see how well I would do at commands in battle. I hated being told what to do by a lowly human yet I had no choice. He held Lunala and the others hostage.

GIovanni pointed at one side of the battle field and I walked over to it. On the otherside, Giovanni threw a pokeball. A growling yellow mouse appeared on the floor. It was Pikachu. The Pikachu I gave Giovanni ; My former best pal.

I looked into Giovanni's eyes to try to understand what his game was. Was he going to play aginst me or with me? I had no idea so I waited to see. 

I no longer hated Pikachu. He may have betrayed me all those years ago but it wasn't his fault. He was forced into human life and had to abide by their rules. I had no ill will towards him yet I couldn't say I liked him. I didn't want to hurt him, he was a fellow pokemon. Fortunatley, Giovanni didn't realise that I had a change of heart and no longer held a grudge. He was probably bankin on the fact that Pikachu and I had history so I would want to get revenge but it wasn't the case.

Giovanni cackled with laughter. I didn't understand what was so funny.

"You're really thinking hard aren't you? I just thought it would be funny to see how you'd react when I emplied that you would have to fight Pikachu." He revealed.

I said nothing in return. I was mad at myself that he tricked me with another one of his 'pranks'. Most people would think he was a funny guy but I saw that he was just cruel and minipulative and enjoyed watching people suffer.

"Come now. I will show you to your real mission. Bring Pikachu."

Pikachu was backing up into a wall. I could tell he was terrified. He was sparking and growling. I picked him up gently and sighed. It was my fault that he was here. He was a pokemon and I hated to see them petrified and hurt. I gave him a small stroke for reassurance. He looked like he was having flashbacks.

I followed Giovanni once more. We found ourselves at the front of Team Rocket HQ. He began fiddling with the blue strap around my leg.

"This is what was limiting your powers. It allowed physical attacks but not others. I have now made it so that you can used most of your powers. I want you to destroy all the police stations on this island. I want Pikachu to go with you, not because I think you'll need that help but because I want you to train him up. Like old times eh? Off you go."

I rolled my eyes and stomped into the nearest village. I placed pikachu on a park bench. He was staring into my eyes.

(Look, I'm not going to hurt you. We may have had our differences in the past but now we need to focus on how to get out. ) I sighed

(I don't recall meeting you before. Who are you ?) Pikachu asked.

I used my power to pull my wings and horn back inside of me.

(Here. Recognise me now?)


(Actually I go by Meliodas now but yes. I guess you could say I am him though get in your head that we are not the same. I put Ash behind me, so should you.)

A speacle of sadness glint in his eyes. He took a deep breath and nodded. (Okay. So what's the situation?) 

After explaining to Pikachu that i was being forced to do Giovanni's bidding,  we conjured up a plan. 

(Right lets do this.) I yelled.

( I hope this works. This plan will take a very long time to set up so we have to be sure.) Pikachu remarked. (Lets go burn down some Police Stations.)

We jogged until we found the first of the two stations and then slowed down so that I could find a corner to hide round while i returned to my true form so that nobody would recognise me. Once I was done, Pikachu and I took a few steps into the Police station and everyone stared at us. A burst of anger suddenly hit me. There were humans everywhere. I hated them. I couldn't control the hatred. Fire lit from my hands. All the humans began screaming in terror. I shot balls of fire in every direction, lighting up the building. Most people had filed out the building before I had realised. I lit the door on fire so that no one else could escape. Many humans began dropping to their knees and choking. I didn't care about the insignificant humans, I needed the Chief of the station so that i could make an imoact that would last. 

I walked through the offices until I came across a room that had two humans in. One was a female with blonde hair. She was leant against the wall breathing heavily. The other was a Male with short brown hair. I wasnt sure which was the chief so I decided I had to kill both of them. The man gave me an ominous feeling in my gut so I thought it would be best to take his life first. I  formed a ball of ice in my hand and threw it at the man. Before i could do anything the woman jumped infront of him before I could react.

"Rose!" The man yelled even though he didnt look very distraught. 

He glared at me as I began another ice ball. It hit him yet had no effect. 

Why wasnt he effected? Who was this man? I had many questions running through my head. I was so startled that I decided to retreat. I grabbed pikachu and ran for it.

Sorry this took so long to publish. I have been doing my GCSE exams so have been really busy revising. Hopefull i will gat another chapter out soon but no promises.

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